Money, Macaws and Friends


New member
Jul 26, 2013
South Australia
1 male Cockatiel
..I really hate money -_- I have officially decided not to have a Macaw in the future. I'm fully serious. They are a HUGE waste of money that we could put towards our kids education (4000-8000 dollars I've decided is just too much) and I have to face the fact that it's just my own selfish want. And my want for one just keeps driving me to put that as my high priority, even over the kids, which is so wrong. Life can be quite happy and joyful without a Macaw in the house, we've managed all these years without one ;) If my husband or children want a bird in the house again they can have one, but I'm not going to open my heart to it. I'm just sick of always thinking about it. I'm sick of my favourites always dying and having just lost another friend (that makes 9...i got 'dumped' so to speak, randomly and viciously, just because of a few different views we have). I'm tired of opening my heart wide open to people and birds all the time when I don't need to and having it ripped out time and time again.

Sorry for the rant.. I'm just stressed out to the max and just had to get it off my chest.
As expensive as they are in Australia, I kinda don't blame you for feeling this way.

I don't hate money.

I hate not having any!
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Mmmm. It's so silly, cos then a bird that expensive I'd need Pet Insurance...then good cages and/or playstands are at least $200, if not $400+.

Haha, hmmm..yes, not having any stinks!
What about one of the mini macaws? Not as "flashy" but still have the macaw personality and smaller size means smaller cost for the bird, cage, toys ext...:D I personally try to remember people WITH lots of money have problems too and that we should always be grateful for what we have instead of wasting our time and happiness wishing we had what we can't.

If I *could* have just got whatever type of bird I wanted, I probably would have ended up with a young female tres-marie DYH or military macaw. Adopting a 10 y/o male BFA with a bad attitude was more in my realm of reality though:rolleyes: And you know what, Kiwi turned out to be a wonderful bird! We all have a "idea" of what we want based on looks and how other INDIVIDUAL birds behave, but you can get a pleasant surprise when you open your mind to a feathery someone of a species you never knew you wanted. As for friends- I can't advise you there. I don't have very many and like it fine that way.
I used to want a Macaw. There is still one that I hope to adopt someday, but that is because the poor girl is suffering. Now when I think "do I want a Macaw?" I think "That would take so much time away from my little birds!"

As for friends, sorry yours are lousy. I hope you find better ones soon :) Through the years some come and go, some stick like glue. Let the ones who want to go, go, and keep the good ones :)
You are absolutely right to not get a macaw, or any other bird, if it takes money away from things like college educations or other important family needs. I adore my birds, and other pets, with all my heart. Not one of them came at the expense of taking care of my primary financial responsibilities first.

I have a couple hobbies that can take up a bit of money. I'm constantly amazed that people will put their last bit of rent money into something that is a hobby, rather than take care of their responsibilities first.

If a macaw is a financial stretch for you, you are absolutely right to not get one unless or until you are able to afford it without your financial responsibilities suffering for it.
I agree. Another thing to remember is that being responsible now brings added financial freedom in the future :)
I agree. Another thing to remember is that being responsible now brings added financial freedom in the future :)

That's what they told me too!

Turns out with what the recession did to pensions in this country, I am free to push a shopping cart with my belongings in it, to a cozy cardboard box under the freeway...

Just don't tell Walmart... I borrowed the shopping cart from work!

Hello... Welcome to Walmart.

Hello... Welcome to Walmart.

Hello... :D

I'm kidding, but unfortunately... it's still pretty bad right now.

I honestly don't know how the vast majority of my daughter's generation will get by...

Go to school for the first 27 years of your life. Take on a crushing student loan debt. To find yourself unemployed, or underemployed and working for the next ten years to repay your student loans...

It's hard right now.
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Exactly why I made sure my first kid graduated college debt free. But the market is tough so he's working at trader joes. However, he likes it and he has no debt.... And he has nothing but wonderful things to say about San Diego.
I honestly don't know how the vast majority of my daughter's generation will get by...

Go to school for the first 27 years of your life. Take on a crushing student loan debt. To find yourself unemployed, or underemployed and working for the next ten years to repay your student loans...

It's hard right now.

I've edited my original post because I don't want to be offensive or offend anyone. I could rant a lot on this subject and have some very controversial views;) I will say, I can't for the life of me figure out what exactly people in my generation spend so much money on and how they struggle so hard (we're 25 and 26). We live comfortably off a single lower-income and just budget. I will say in regards to this thread specifically, if you *truly* want a macaw, try a 2 or even 3 years savings plan where you set aside a little money each week. It takes time, patience and dedication, but if you really want it, there is a way to obtain it without ruining your future or spending more than you have at the moment:)
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Ahemm.... yes, jobs are tight and getting tighter. Too many people seems to be one large part of the problem. And wait until the kids figure out everyone isn't going to win the lottery. Oh yea, this is supposed to be about Macaws ;)
Look at it this way, there "might" be a way to obtain it, but you have to have your priorities straight. Kids and household come first and frankly, if you have spare it should go into the emergency fund and retirement.
As far as being in your 20s and spending so much money I could give a dissertation on that too. By the time I was 25 I had 2 kids and they aren't cheap. I was lucky in that I didn't have school loans to pay back, but I'm in the minority.

The job market isn't easy right now even with a degree and most of the grads I know are taking entry level jobs.

I would argue that there isn't ALWAYS a way, at 25 I couldn't even have afforded a budgie. Every last cent I had went into the kids and child care.

Now there's always those who are bad with money, but I can truthfully say at that age that wasn't my problem.
Ahemm.... yes, jobs are tight and getting tighter. Too many people seems to be one large part of the problem. And wait until the kids figure out everyone isn't going to win the lottery. Oh yea, this is supposed to be about Macaws ;)

Now MrsKay why did you have to go and ruin my dreams lol j/k. I would LOVE to win the lottery but until I do I will just keep on working.
I personally think college is over promoted and trade schools are under promoted. I also think a bunch of other things I could probably get in trouble for saying here :p But yeah, things are hard for a lot of people right now. My husband is in the army, and vet benefits are under attack right now, and retirement, etc, is no longer the guarantee it used to be for someone who served their country for 20 years. We are working hard to get our of debt and insure our future even if things go south. It's tough though, and it is a huge part of why I chose the species I did, though now I can't life without them :)
Ahemm.... yes, jobs are tight and getting tighter. Too many people seems to be one large part of the problem. And wait until the kids figure out everyone isn't going to win the lottery. Oh yea, this is supposed to be about Macaws ;)

The kids aren't gonna win it cuz the next big fat one is all mine! I'm gonna be rich I tell you...
I honestly don't know how the vast majority of my daughter's generation will get by...

Go to school for the first 27 years of your life. Take on a crushing student loan debt. To find yourself unemployed, or underemployed and working for the next ten years to repay your student loans...

It's hard right now.

I've edited my original post because I don't want to be offensive or offend anyone. I could rant a lot on this subject and have some very controversial views;) I will say, I can't for the life of me figure out what exactly people in my generation spend so much money on and how they struggle so hard (we're 25 and 26). We live comfortably off a single lower-income and just budget. I will say in regards to this thread specifically, if you *truly* want a macaw, try a 2 or even 3 years savings plan where you set aside a little money each week. It takes time, patience and dedication, but if you really want it, there is a way to obtain it without ruining your future or spending more than you have at the moment:)

Well, I can tell you I took a 42% pay cut a few years back, and have had my income cut every year for the past five years. I now make significantly less than my entry level salary 15 years ago, and even working full time at a professional level job, it's hard to support myself my daughter. I've worked at this for 28 years, and feel like I have nothing to show for it.

My pension was simply eliminated with the stroke of a pen. Don't like it? We can cut you out of the picture entirely with another stroke of the pen...

I can tell you my money goes for things like food, and rent, and gas to get back and forth to work, and bird food...

My ex girlfiend's son has a Master's degree in engineering. He worked his butt off to get it. But no one is hiring. So, he works at Starbucks for $10.00 per hour. Student loan debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. So, no present, and no future for him... He's been labeled a deadbeat simply because the means to pay that back does not exist. He bought into the society's line about being ambitious, working hard, sacrificing to get a good education and get ahead...

That only works if there's jobs available.

My daughter graduates high school this year, and is just beginning to face this cold reality.

I just wish there was more I could do to help her, but it's all I can do to just maintain the status quo... and not fall further behind.

But I fear for her, and this generation.
Having said all that: My grandfather's generation had it far worse.

Sent off to the trenches of WWI
Lived through the great depression
Sent back to fight in WWII
Only to start life over again at middle age, from scratch, after the war was over.

Kinda puts student loan debt, and a suck-ish job situation in it's proper perspective doesn't it?

If they can overcome it, so can my daughter's generation. These things run in cycles. All you have to do is keep going and survive the cycle.
I just paid off student loans for my husband and I last year! I am not a spring chicken! I can tell you writing out that last check to Sallie Mae never felt so good and I actually did a little happy dance.:D

One of the good things about getting older and having children grown is you have more time and money for the things you want instead of so much focus going to needed things. Waking up and feeling every bone in your body...well that's the down side!:p

You get to a point where you finally have all the cookware, tools and household items you need. Car's are to get me from point A to B so I don't really care what I drive as long as it runs. I think you also begin to prioritize regarding things you really want. I am perfectly happy in t-shirt and jeans and in fact that kind of shopping is an absolute dreaded affair for me! Bra shopping...I'd rather stick needles in my eyes! Nic-nac's, no thank you, just something else I have to dust!

Money well spent for me is good organic food, I do believe we are what we eat. Money spent on my beloved animals is never a bad choice. The thing to remember is it will get easier if you plan and save. Don't buy into the latest gadgets and try to have short term goals as well as long term ones.

Credit card debt avoid at all cost! If a macaw is something you truly dream of set aside a little each month. It doesn't have to be a lot but it may relieve some frustration on your part if it feels like you are moving toward your goal even if it is slowly.
I have zero debt. I am lucky that way. But with this last pay cut, my income now equals my monthly expenses, so getting ahead isn't happening, and going out and doing anything is also a thing of the past...

My birds help keep me from going completely stir crazy, but I was always a "go out and do" sort of person.

I particularly miss my skydiving, though I don't have the money to throw out the door of an airplane anymore...

I at least did with my life for 50+ years.

My daughter hasn't gotten to do a lot of that stuff... and I feel like some of this stuff is the best part of living. I just wish I could do more for her before she has to slave away at some job the rest of her life... it's frustrating that I can't give her that.

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