

Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
I was lying on the couch today, relaxing. Mishka was in his cage, being extremely noisy and playful. The balcony door was half open.
I dozed off for a few minutes.
Suddenly I was awaken by a screeching scream

I got such a fright, it was Mishka screaming for me. He was going berserk, climbing up and down the bars. hissing, like a snake. I ran towards his cage, not knowing what was going on.
There was an large wasp, circling his cage. Going closer and then backing off. I got my slipper and started chasing the wasp. He flew into a curtain, and stayed there. Mishka was holding onto the bars saying oh ohhhh.
I managed to clap the wasp finally, after missing him about 10 times.
The wasp was lying on the floor, but still moving. I placed him into a small see through packet, showed Mishka what a wasp looks like. Told him he is a good boy for calling mommy. He looked at the packet, then politely said what now mommy.

WAHAHAHAHAHAHA - hilarious!!!! What a funny bunny!!!!!! I wish you had a hidden camera to catch moments like that - hahahahaha.

I think what makes me laugh more is the vision of you klapping the wasp and missing - hahahahahaha!!! I dont know how you have a serious moment in the house with Mishi around :)
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WAHAHAHAHAHAHA - hilarious!!!! What a funny bunny!!!!!! I wish you had a hidden camera to catch moments like that - hahahahaha.

I think what makes me laugh more is the vision of you klapping the wasp and missing - hahahahahaha!!! I dont know how you have a serious moment in the house with Mishi around :)

Funny enough I though of videoing it, but my main concern was for Mishka and my safety.

I can't hit anything on the first clap, got to use my left hand....again and again and again and again
Good thing you were there to protect you boy. This is a fine example of how we are our bird's guardian. What a very smart boy.
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Good thing you were there to protect you boy. This is a fine example of how we are our bird's guardian. What a very smart boy.

Must mention this, two minutes later Sean walked in the door, Mishka was sitting on his playpen, still a bit excited over the wasp episode.
As soon as Mishka heard the door opening, he was screaming for Sean, as if he wanted to tell Sean what had happened.

When Sean kissed Mishka hello, Mishka kept kissing him and would not stop.
They have exactly the same emotions as us humans
I wonder is Mishka were able to communicate properly, and say what he was thinking what would he have told Sean

That was so funny and scary at the same time. :D What a clever boy! I am sure he was trying to tell Sean that his mommy was VERY brave and saved the whole family from this funny flying thing.:D
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That was so funny and scary at the same time. :D What a clever boy! I am sure he was trying to tell Sean that his mommy was VERY brave and saved the whole family from this funny flying thing.:D

Mommy was brave LoL I nearly

It was the biggest wasp I have EVER seen
That is so cute..... Mishka is definately one of a kind....

Mommy is there for him and he know it..
Lol I wish my mom was as brave as you! There was a stinkbug hovering in circles under my ceiling fan/light yesterday and I am TERRIFIED of bugs! I screamed and no one came so I called my mom and she came up and stared at it until it finally fell on the ground, and I was hiding behind my bed so I couldn't see it, but I was afraid of it crawling under my bed across to me and so I jumped up on my bed and I was literally in tears. Bugs are my worst nightmare lol! Mishka is SO funny, I love how he actually calls you! And I love how he recognized Sean (not sure who he is :eek:) when he walked in the door. It's funny how they can recognize people isn't it? Birds are so intelligent, most people just don't give them enough credit :).
The sting probably wouldn't go through all the feathers they have :)
They look like feathered tennis balls with legs and heads at the moment.
If they did get stung.... I don't know what would happen :(
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Lol I wish my mom was as brave as you! There was a stinkbug hovering in circles under my ceiling fan/light yesterday and I am TERRIFIED of bugs! I screamed and no one came so I called my mom and she came up and stared at it until it finally fell on the ground, and I was hiding behind my bed so I couldn't see it, but I was afraid of it crawling under my bed across to me and so I jumped up on my bed and I was literally in tears. Bugs are my worst nightmare lol! Mishka is SO funny, I love how he actually calls you! And I love how he recognized Sean (not sure who he is :eek:) when he walked in the door. It's funny how they can recognize people isn't it? Birds are so intelligent, most people just don't give them enough credit :).

I am not brave, I was the only one home........
Then again, Steven (my youngest son) just screams for me and I have to deal with whatever.

For over a year, whenever any one of us walked into the lounge, we would say to Mishka ..... for instance Sean (my eldest son) he would say hello Sean.

Mishka calls us by our names correctly now, with Steven he has added on
Stevie boy, and often calls Sean saying hello Seanie you poopalookie.
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The sting probably wouldn't go through all the feathers they have :)
They look like feathered tennis balls with legs and heads at the moment.
If they did get stung.... I don't know what would happen :(

Surfed the net now, could not find anything on what to do if your bird is strung by a wasp???????????
Oh my goodness HOW did I miss this thread?!

I was in hysterics reading Ant OMG....

The thought of you wildly flailing a slipper while Mishka watches was just so funny....he is so clever to know to call you!

I love the "What now, mommy?"!!!!

I think with regards to the sting it is probably much like humans and other animals. Most would not be allergic and therefore it would just be a bit of an owee. My dogs chase bee's and wasp's......not been stung yet. You tell them not to but in summer with the walks off the lead......

I'm sure our birds would come across them a few times in their life. He was probably attracted to Mishka's nummy food.
Lol I wish my mom was as brave as you! There was a stinkbug hovering in circles under my ceiling fan/light yesterday and I am TERRIFIED of bugs! I screamed and no one came so I called my mom and she came up and stared at it until it finally fell on the ground, and I was hiding behind my bed so I couldn't see it, but I was afraid of it crawling under my bed across to me and so I jumped up on my bed and I was literally in tears. Bugs are my worst nightmare lol! Mishka is SO funny, I love how he actually calls you! And I love how he recognized Sean (not sure who he is :eek:) when he walked in the door. It's funny how they can recognize people isn't it? Birds are so intelligent, most people just don't give them enough credit :).

I am not brave, I was the only one home........
Then again, Steven (my youngest son) just screams for me and I have to deal with whatever.

For over a year, whenever any one of us walked into the lounge, we would say to Mishka ..... for instance Sean (my eldest son) he would say hello Sean.

Mishka calls us by our names correctly now, with Steven he has added on Stevie boy, and often calls Sean saying hello Seanie you poopalookie.

LOL awwwww!! That is so cute! I love his nicknames for your sons hahaha :D I think even if I was the only one home, I would hide behind my bed and make sure it didn't get near me. I would never be able to go after a bug and try to squish it, and hear its exoskeleton crunch and crack and then imagine all of the guts squirting out. Groooooss!! If my house accumulated with bugs because no one was ever there to kill them for me, I would probably run out of the house and live on the street :p. I mean I guess I could get a giant fly swatter and just smack it really fast. That way I won't feel it crunching under a paper towel or anything, and I'll just be left with a big mess of guts :eek:. But at least that's better than crunching bugs. I always think they're so tiny and their legs will just break off so easily and their body parts will separate so easily, and I'll have a dismembered bug. That's why I'm so terrified of them. I'm scared of accidentally squishing them while I'm running away or freaking out :p.

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