Mofu Update - Finally Stepping Up


Aug 26, 2020
It's been 28 days since I ended up rescuing Mofu, my red rumped parakeet. While there's still so much we need to build up on, particularly on her confidence, we're proud to say she is finally beginning to figure out how to Step Up.


I've found that currently she only has the confidence to slide onto my finger sideways, she will not step forward onto me, but rather continue from the perch's direction, though I guess stepping out where there's usually no ground is still too scary a jump for her just yet.

Our treat source has changed to millet as of recent, mostly because it's easier and quicker for her to eat, whereas the sunflower seeds she was originally getting took a bit of maneuvering to open and she would often drop it accidentally anyways, rendering the training reward useless.

Still no progress on flying yet, although her drops out of her cage seem a little more neat recently, so I'm hoping that's future promise to her wings getting into gear.

She's currently moulting a hairline across her head, she looks a bit like Einstein at the moment.

I simply wanted to share her progress here, as she is my first rescue bird and I'm very proud of her progress.

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