Miss Merlin is here

The sun rises later here than it does on the east coast. I thought that would fool her into sleeping in later, but it hasn't, lol! She's getting me up well before dawn to give her a breakfast. My other 2 are still sleeping but she has been up more than an hour.
It may take longer to get things adjusted. It must be confusing to them. Can we get some photos of you new gal please?
I posted a photobucket link to one that was taken in her previous home. It's on the page before this one. I need to get some of her myself, here.

Guess what? Now she's napping and my other 2 are very awake.

She did start plucking a little when her previous owners had to start traveling to help the woman's mom. You can see it in that pic as well. So far she hasn't done any here, and we are hoping with someone home all day with her almost all the time that she won't do it anymore. That was one of the reasons they knew it might be best to rehome their birds, even though it was such a hard thing for them to do.
Ok, getting frustrated trying to post pics. I actually found a method that allowed the pic to show up in my post reply box, but when I tell it to post the message, I still get that it's a bad URL even off photobucket. Don't know what else to try here. I've now tried 3 methods that work on other forums, but not on this one:confused:

Here's one I just took, which isn't very good because she seems to want to rest now and wasn't real interested in coming out:
MsMerlin001.jpg picture by roxynoodle - Photobucket
She is beautiful and looks so healthy. How much does she weigh? Thanks for the photo. You can upload your photos on this site and then copy and paste into the thread. Read the technical forum for some directions.

I'm sooo glad you were able to take one of their birds, my heart really went out to them.

This must be so exciting for you!


Good for you all. Especially Ms. Merlin. Good luck with her.
The former owners are sending me a book where they have kept records of her weight and other pertinent information. She weighs about 450grams. They have sent me a ton of stuff! I can't believe how generous they are. Today a large bags of Harrison's arrived along with a large bag of Golden Feast. Another box contained a huge bag of pine cones that she likes to shred, plus her toys, perch and some other items. They told me there are 4 more boxes coming! What truly wonderful people!

Pete wants so much for me to let him see her out of the cage up close. I have to be sure first though that he won't scare her or hurt her (or try to mate with her:eek:). I'm telling you, he's in love!

She likes most to play on the floor with me. She is definitely a bird that likes to be on the ground or close to it. She likes to pull on things I have in my hands, kind of like tug of war. She likes to give kisses, too, like my Nanday.

And when I have Pete out, he wants to try to go to her. He can't fly (yet) though because his wings are clipped. I think I should give it a bit more time though for her to get used to me, know I'm trustworthy and get used to the other birds before I let him climb on her cage, or have them out together.

Every time she wags her tail or stretches, he begins over and over giggling and yelling, "I love you!" Ok, now she's hanging upside down from the side of the cage and flapping her wings and he's going totally nuts wanting to be with her. I need a video camera. I kind of feel for him though because I don't think she is as interested in him as he is in her.
Ok, I resized pics to be within the 600x600 pixel parameter, and I still can't copy one from photobucket, nor upload them into an album. No matter what I've tried, I get a bad URL request. I have no idea what the problem is.
You are so fortunate to have adopted from such good people that really care about what happes to Merlin. This is very rare but I wish it were more common.
I am very fortunate. They have been unbelievably generous! 7 boxes of food and supplies is unreal! I want to do something special to say thank you, but I'm not sure what to do. KBEquine feels the same since she is adopting the other 2. However, they don't want updates or reminders due to the emotion that would cause. I understand that. We are trying to think of something we CAN do, that won't be upsetting, but is more than just saying "thank you." If anyone has any ideas, we would appreciate it.

She just spoke "amazon" to Pete; he is quite pleased. Or at least Pete's version of Amazon, which I have learned to speak very well. It consists of funny little cartoon type sounds that I can't translate to English for the members of the forum, lol!

She is being very forgiving right now of my attempts at video game gun and other video game sounds. I'm not doing a very good job, but she is glad I'm trying anyway:)

It is hard to speak conure, amazon and grey all at the same time!
I am very fortunate. They have been unbelievably generous! 7 boxes of food and supplies is unreal! I want to do something special to say thank you, but I'm not sure what to do. KBEquine feels the same since she is adopting the other 2. However, they don't want updates or reminders due to the emotion that would cause. I understand that. We are trying to think of something we CAN do, that won't be upsetting, but is more than just saying "thank you." If anyone has any ideas, we would appreciate it.

She just spoke "amazon" to Pete; he is quite pleased. Or at least Pete's version of Amazon, which I have learned to speak very well. It consists of funny little cartoon type sounds that I can't translate to English for the members of the forum, lol!

She is being very forgiving right now of my attempts at video game gun and other video game sounds. I'm not doing a very good job, but she is glad I'm trying anyway:)

It is hard to speak conure, amazon and grey all at the same time!

What if you made a donation of either money or supplies to a bird rescue in their honor? Just a suggestion for a rescue, but the one I'm adopting Pepper from would be a good choice. ;) The rescue doesn't charge rehoming fees, she rathers the money be spent on the bird. So she supports the rescue herself, which I think is amazing. :)
Excellent idea, Rio Mom. More people should do that as a way of thanking, or remembering, someone. Shelters & sanctuaries are in such need of help.
Right before Christmas I made a donation to a shelter in Iowa I really like, that I thought of getting a bird from. They also don't charge fees as they try to really match the right bird to the right person. The only thing that stopped me was 3 long car trips that would require pet sitters in my absence. I wonder if they would let me dedicate that to Merlin's former owners, or if it's too late. I can't make another donation right now as I just got a $700 medical bill for myself, and another expensive one arrived yesterday that I haven't opened yet:eek: But, that is a good idea.
Today Merlin was worried when I had Pete out. She isn't afraid of him as long as he's in his cage, which is right next to hers. But, out of the cage is another story I guess. Obviously letting him get close to her yet would not be a good idea. But, while I was was holding him, he did something for her. He imitated one of her clucks!

However, she did get kind of jealous of the head scritches he was getting. About 1 minute after I put him away, she came to the front of the cage and put her head down for scritches. Then she came out and we played a bit, too. Right now I"m playing with her for short amounts of time a few times a day to build trust. I don't want to do anything yet to frighten her. She is unsure yet about our different parrot towers and play gyms so I haven't put her on one yet. I know from her previous owner that she likes to help in the kitchen and watch you while you are showering and grooming, but I want her to feel she can trust me before I take her into another room. I have to remember Greys can take longer to adjust to new things than maybe my other birds do.

I did give her some of her old toys today and she was happy to get them back, I think. She really spends most of her time at the bottom of her cage.

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