Mirror Question


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Acorn - a Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure;
Bob - a Cockatiel;
Cricket - an American Budgie
I have heard that cockatiels enjoy mirrors, but that it is a bad idea to idea to leave them with the mirrors for extended periods of time as they get frustrated with their neighbor who does not behave quite right.

I would like to know if there are their other birds like Bob who are indifferent twords mirrors.
I was told to not use flat mirrors that don't distort the bird. (like funhouse mirrors do)

The bird can actually become narcissistic and rather "bond" with his "best buddy" than you (best buddy meaning his reflection!)
I don't really know how much truth is in this, but I put a mirror in Lucy's cage and she was absolutely captivated, she didn't respond to us at all... so no mirrors in her cage... lol
I tried my Macaw with a mirror for the first time yesterday. I have put it outside of his cage to start with so he can get used to it. This weekend I will put it in his cage so I will update you then.

He seems to like it so far and keeps saying hello to himself when he looks in it.

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