milo....home at last..:)


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Somerset Uk
Tilly- sun conure,Fraggle- male kakariki,Purdy- female kakariki,
Kiwi-male kakariki,Milo-male senegal,Piglet-baby lovebird
it took us two hours just under to get there.....but due to traffic and two very nasty accidents on the way home..much longer journey home!
but safe and sound here he is....


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it took us two hours just under to get there.....but due to traffic and two very nasty accidents on the way home..much longer journey home!
but safe and sound here he is....

Congrats .........glad you got home safe and sound

Milo is too beautiful, such lovely colouring

LoL he sure looks inquisitive.....
Bet you are not going to get much sleep tonight, you will be so busy checking up on him

Good luck, wishing you many many years of happiness
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Sitting here ive found he can make the noise of a phone...very
a baby crying and the message alert from my
and some sort of his own language lol

but the thing that does concern me is his wings and the lack of feathers under neath them. lady said he has been like it since she has had him(only 6mnths) now i didnt know he was like this until she picked him out of his cage....:( she did say he does it sometimes when hes stressed but hasnt done it for am very worried he will do it again...but he seems happy in there at the mo..
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  • #4

Congrats .........glad you got home safe and sound

Milo is too beautiful, such lovely colouring

LoL he sure looks inquisitive.....
Bet you are not going to get much sleep tonight, you will be so busy checking up on him

Good luck, wishing you many many years of happiness

Thank you very much....he is a very curious little chap...he was covered on the way home but when the cover fell of he thought it was great to be able to see everything!!!!
i must sleep......i must sleep......not stay up watching bird!!!! lol

Congrats .........glad you got home safe and sound

Milo is too beautiful, such lovely colouring

LoL he sure looks inquisitive.....
Bet you are not going to get much sleep tonight, you will be so busy checking up on him

Good luck, wishing you many many years of happiness

Thank you very much....he is a very curious little chap...he was covered on the way home but when the cover fell of he thought it was great to be able to see everything!!!!
i must sleep......i must sleep......not stay up watching bird!!!! lol[/QUOTE]

He is such a handsome bird wow

If possible keep him in your bedroom, even if it is just for tonight.
You will be able to hear him (and peek at him with a torch...LoL)

Sweet birdie dreams
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lol....i will need to find my little head
Yay! Glad you're home safe. :) And the first night I got Bella and Zora I camped out in a chair right next to them LOL. What a kink in my neck I had when I woke up. ;)
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  • #10
Yay! Glad you're home safe. :) And the first night I got Bella and Zora I camped out in a chair right next to them LOL. What a kink in my neck I had when I woke up. ;)

thank you...not the best journey with what we saw :(...

but home safe and sound....and it hasnt affected his vocal cords thats for sure lol

im sure i will just sleep near by....neck sore from drive so wont make any difference if i just drop of where i am lol
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  • #12
Thank you.....:)
Hes going to bed in a mo.....he keeps yawning lol

am i right to be worried about his lack of feathers on his wings?
Please tell us how your first night was
Did you manage to get some sleep?
What a beautiful feeling waking up to the squeaks of a bird
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  • #15
i did indeed get some sleep!!! not through lack of excitement but i was just so tired lol
i can report a good nights sleep by all birds!! i was warned Milo would wake me at 6.30 am with an alarm call....but he must have been too tired!
i have let him out of his cage....he came out and flew straight onto my head!!!(much heavier than the sun!!!) he has had a nose around but not done much! he was is sat beside me and has sat on my shoulder looking very cute but then all of a sudden went for my glasses...such charm after all ive done for him!!!!

last owner only had him 6months but said it took him 3 weeks before he took to am being very careful lol

if i get chance i will post more pics later ;)
i did indeed get some sleep!!! not through lack of excitement but i was just so tired lol
i can report a good nights sleep by all birds!! i was warned Milo would wake me at 6.30 am with an alarm call....but he must have been too tired!
i have let him out of his cage....he came out and flew straight onto my head!!!(much heavier than the sun!!!) he has had a nose around but not done much! he was is sat beside me and has sat on my shoulder looking very cute but then all of a sudden went for my glasses...such charm after all ive done for him!!!!

last owner only had him 6months but said it took him 3 weeks before he took to am being very careful lol

if i get chance i will post more pics later ;)

Glad all got a good nights sleep :D

Hopefully he will soon get used to your glasses, Mishka also found my glasses to be rather amusing.
Looking forward to the pic's
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  • #17
i think hes going to be hard work!!!
keeps landing on my head..and its hurts lol
and its not just a messing about with the glasses...he at the mo seems to mean it!!!!
will give him chance to settle in tho and see how we go.....the monkey!!
i think hes going to be hard work!!!
keeps landing on my head..and its hurts lol
and its not just a messing about with the glasses...he at the mo seems to mean it!!!!
will give him chance to settle in tho and see how we go.....the monkey!!

All birds are hard work, just like human kids
I think birds are way more curious tho.
Milo was just being curious, the little monkey LoL

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  • #19
i dont have will take your word for it lol
im sure he will be loads of work.....but worth it im sure,hes kept myself and my friend so amused with his sounds and some of his words!!! am being very careful not to upset or ignore any of the others too :)....Tilly has already told him im her friend lol
ive not had him out long today...ive just put him back! he was sat on my cup so took him back to his cage on it!!! lol
i think hes going to be hard work!!!
keeps landing on my head..and its hurts lol
and its not just a messing about with the glasses...he at the mo seems to mean it!!!!
will give him chance to settle in tho and see how we go.....the monkey!!

Yep. They can be hard work. My senegal, Sidney, is much more work than the two blue crowns. He is a very curious bird and gets bored easily with new toys. So it is off to find something else to investigate. His favorite "forbidden zone" is the kitchen. I'm constantly having to chase him down and get him out of there.

He goes after my glasses a lot too. He will go a couple of weeks at times completely ignoring them then suddenly they are totally fascinating to him. I delayed getting a badly needed new pair for months just trying to train him into leaving them alone. Nope. No luck. If he gets a beak or foot on them he will latch on tight and I pretty much have to pry him off while shielding the lenses to make sure they don't get damaged. He cracked off chunks of the plastic on the ear pieces of the old pair. And when I got my new pair, he immediately noticed they were different and after them he went. I'm going to have to be constantly on guard when he is around my head.

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