Milo....fingers crossed!!


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Somerset Uk
Tilly- sun conure,Fraggle- male kakariki,Purdy- female kakariki,
Kiwi-male kakariki,Milo-male senegal,Piglet-baby lovebird
Heres the pic on the advert i found for this little guy...not the best pic but all i have for now! Im hoping to go and collect him on friday morning all being well. He hasnt had the best start in life so hoping i will be his last owner and that he is as happy here as the rest of the zoo is!!!
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why thank you :D

and i will get some pics if all goes well lol
i maybe too knackered after the drive to do much but settle him in lol
He's gorgeous. Congratulations! Please keep us posted :)
Awww he is lovely! Good luck, hope all goes well! :)
I love the yellow belly. Kito has an orange one, so the yellow always seems so exotic to me!
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Thank you so much everyone....:)

well hes home!!! lol

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