Hi, I’m a new member and I’d like to ask a question if anyone can answer it. I appreciate it in advance very much. I just adopted a 10 to 11 year-old male military macaw from a hoarders house who also chain-smoked and had several other animals, defecating and peeing in the house. Mr. Gibbs (my macaw) smells awful. Like smoke and very dirty dog. His previous owner also punished him by spraying water in his face. I’ve managed to replace my clicker with a spray from the spray bottle and he’s no longer terrified of water. And now he just smells like wet, dog and wet cigarette smoke. I’m not really sure how to clean him that won’t hurt him. Any help is greatly appreciated. We are going to get him into a vet as soon as there is an opening but for now I just like him to be healthy and I’m not sure that smell is terribly healthy, thanks for your time and your answers . Amanda. Ps. Attached a photo of my awesome friend