I can tell you've progressed really well. Keep up the updates!
Thanks, nice to know someone's reading them
Both went to vets today. Charlie for a microchipping, Merlin for nailtrim and poop check.
Merlin has big awful morning poops, and I don't just mean "they're foul" I mean, I literally almost vomit. They're huge, they're stinky, they're watery, they're just awful. So I rang the vets about it a while back, but I just presumed it was normal (he's always done this) but after comparing with Charlie's poops, we decided it was not quite right. We said we'd consider sending a sample off. After altering his diet slightly, they improved slightly. Vet wasn't worried by the sounds of things, but said we can send a sample in if we were worried - we wern't as it's how he'd always been (had him since 8 weeks) so we decided we'll see how he gets on.
So, today they took a swab of his poop and checked it "in house" for any obvious nasties in there.
All clear. My vet basically explained that because Merlin refuses to do his morning poop in his cage, he's holding it in for however long he has to. Whether he's out at 10am (today) or 6pm (most others). It's not good for him, his cloaca expands holding it and eventually it'll just stop going back to it's normal size, causing him all sorts of problems. So, new plan: Get Merlin out as soon as someone is awake, tell him to 'go poo!' then put him back in his cage. "Problem solved." But his actually poop is not a concern
Charlie got chipped, he was a good boy. Handled it all well, little bit disgruntled about his feathers being ruffled, but alls well!
Both birds got a full check, weight, body/feather condition, etc.
Both were 140g last time (eeek!) and Charlie is down to 122g (Hurrah!) and Merlin is still a chubby man at 135g.
Charlie 'ideally' should be around 120g, and Merlin should be around 125g (he's a 'larger bird'). So we've still got a bit of work to do on Merlin but so far, they've both lost weight, yey!
So today was very happy, productive and educational, as per usual with my wonderful Vet team! <3
Both birds are napping in their travel cages so I'm hoping not to disturb them until I have to.... peace is a rarity in this house
Very proud Momma today!