My Vet has prescribed 1ml of baytril and 11/4 ml of meloxicam daily for my sick bird. Several people have told me this is too much and they only gave their sick birds 1 drop a day. I've also spent hours researching the dosage online and I cant find anyone that recommend such a high dose. The vet is not an avian vet and has had no experience with birds. She said she looked up the dosage online from an exotic pets vet site. I'm worried she has gotten ml mixed up with mg because it seems a lot and its very hard getting my bird to swallow all of this. She refuses to recheck the dose so I called an avian vet (we don't have any in my city) and they refuse to comment on another vets recommendations. It doesn't seem right to me. I tried to give him 0.5ml yesterday and it stressed him really badly, most of it didn't go in his mouth. I'm worried now that its too much and I may have caused him even more damage and I'm not gain to give him anymore. Has anyone else given their birds these medications and if yes, how much did you give daily? I have no one else to ask now as I cant find any vets to help me and I have already paid out $230 in vet fees.