Meet Walter!!!

Aw, what a neat story. However, I'd have to go back and get the old Amazon, too!

Congratulations on your new family member!

We are all such evil enablers.

So it's settled then. Walter needs a little friend AND the Mealy can go home with you, too.
Ha Ha :) Everyone should have a Caique !! Let us know when your ready for the lowdown on them [Walter is a great name he he]
congratulations!!...he is absolutely stunning
He's adorable! Parkersmom got one at the bird fair and he was adorable! :)
What an absolutely fun loving, inquisitive, cuddly, mischievious and delightful little bird Walter is! We've only had him for one day, and already it feels as though he's been with us forever! He readily goes to everyone in the household! The one thing that I have to get used to is his love of jumping. If he's cage top and I walk by, boing! Onto my shoulder he hops!

I can see his little calculating mind at work as he tries to figure out if he can jump onto the table or onto the other birds' cages. He's partially flighted at the moment, and I can only imagine just how into everything he's going to be once his flight feathers have grown back in.

I absolutely adore this little fellow! Caiques are a lot of fun indeed! So glad my son pushed me to get him.
OH....MY.....GOSH!!! WALTER is the most ADORABLE bird name EVER!!!

I can see why you couldn't resist him, he looks sooo happy!

Welcome Walter!!!

wow congrads on Walter :)
Look at those cute little pink hotdog toes. So adorable!! And I agree, Walter is a great name for a stocky little bird!

Congrats and good on you for giving the sweet little chap a home. :)

Guys, should we tell them, that a second Caique will magically appear regardless of what they do?

Guys, should we tell them, that a second Caique will magically appear regardless of what they do?
Nah, leave it as a surprise.. Nobody believes it until it happens anyway.
Oh, stop that! I now have 7 fids, which is plenty!! (??:smile009:)
Oh, stop that! I now have 7 fids, which is plenty!! (??:smile009:)

I hear even numbers are lucky...8 sounds like a nice, even, lucky number:):21:
Besides once you have one caique you really don't notice the second one...One, two, it's pretty much the same :-)
:headwall:You're all ruthless!!!
Now, here's a good one. I walked into my daughter's room, and both she and my son were trying to figure out which fid they'll claim after I'm dead. Really???
Now, here's a good one. I walked into my daughter's room, and both she and my son were trying to figure out which fid they'll claim after I'm dead. Really???

Too funny! My daughter said she hopes that Darwin and Phoe outlive me so she can have them:11:
Besides once you have one caique you really don't notice the second one...One, two, it's pretty much the same :-)
This is true, but it starts to get silly with 4 caiques!

Guys, should we tell them, that a second Caique will magically appear regardless of what they do?

Nah...let 'em find out for themselves! After all, the rest of us did...why should they get a break?!
Walter is a cutie. Watch that beak though, looks very long ( even for a caique)

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