Meet Poppy!!

Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Washington, DC, USA
Astro (budgie) 1/20/23--3/31/23
Poppy (cinnamon cockatiel)
Mavis (pearl cockatiel)
Keefe (albino cockatiel)
Hey everyone!
A few days ago I adopted a cinnamon cockatiel from a good breeder in my area. I named her Poppy and I'm fairly sure she's a girl since she has almost no yellow on her face (blurry pictures below).
So far, she seems to be settling in well- she's very curious but doesn't seem to like hands, but loves pulling crinkle paper out of her toys and enjoys Taylor Swift (she takes after her parront I guess).
I haven't gotten many pictures but here are the ones I did take




  • 0926231733.webp
    170.8 KB · Views: 18
So cute!!! Hello Poppy, it’s so nice to meet you! ❤️
Update: Poppy is settling in well but still freaks out a little if I get my hands too close to her and turns her beak up if I try to give her spray millet. However, she's comfortable eating and preening around me, which I think is a good sign! She's a eaten a little chop (she was used to eating it before I got her) but definitely still loves her seeds.
Yes your camera is a potato but that is one cute bird. And i'm sure sooner than later it will be a shoulder bird.

Some birds can be hand shy, you might try putting on something long sleeve and pulling the cuffs over you hands, Sounds silly but with hand shy birds sometimes theats all it takes.
aww so cute, hope she settling in well. One my cockatiels never liked hands , he was from bird rescue so may have had some bad experience. Poppy probably just needs time to get to know and trust you. Some my birds have preferred it when I was wearing long sleeved clothes/sweaters etc and cover my hand with it as can be less scary for them. Also tiels are small and humans probably look bit intimidating to them,

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