Meet gemma - just rescued!!!

I said I had never personally rescued a bird or personally rehomed them. I do volunteer at a bird rescue. Which I guess since some of the birds come from homes where people have passed away or had other awful happenstance in their life they should rename the place.

I have seen every level of abuse and I've worked with these birds. I think its nit picking when at any time you have to say. "the cage wasn't THAT awful." Its an indication there might be an issue and I am sure as far as Gemma was concerned she was rescued.

I don't see the reasoning behind making anyone feel uncomfortable for using a word on this forum. I can't imagine people having to decide did I rescue this bird or did I rehome it? Does it fit in the tight definition that has been created.

The op did a good thing. What gives you the right to decide the level of good she has done. And even if you personally feel its not a rescue is it really worth it to bring it up on this particular post. Create your own post on your personal feelings about what the very definition of rescue should mean.

And really at the end of the day rehome or rescue it matters not. The intentions are the same and thats all that matters.
Thank you, thank you and thank you again for rescuing Gemma..... If she is responding to you and eating, then I believe you have a friend for life.....
I'm so happy you got her and are giving her the appropriate care she needs! I wish more parrots could be given a second chance. Good job!
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We love her to pieces and she's doing great so far. I have not seen her messing with her feathers at all and she's been here 11 days!! Crossing fingers!!
Bless you for taking her in, She is a lovely girl! I love the vos eclectus's, with their bright yellow tails! She will have a much better, happier life with you and vinny now! :) Hope her test results come back all clear!
Bless you!!!!!!!! I am positive your new addition will love you for years for your selfless act of kindness.
I am so glad you have her now and that she is adjusting so well. I'm expecting a very "happy ending". :)
Aww, I'm glad she got a new, better home.

Poor baby looks terrible. I showed the pictures to my cousin who's visiting and she was appalled by the cage and the shape she's in. She has no experience with birds other than my guys and couldn't understand why people get pets and don't do their research on requirements first. (she's a dog person and has multiple 'rescues')

With a good diet and lots of love she will recover and be a beautiful little girl.

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