Meet gemma - just rescued!!!


New member
Jul 19, 2012
St. Louis, MO
TESLA-Congo African Grey
VINNY - Vasmaeri Eclectus
This is Gemma. I rescued her from a family who couldn't care for her AFTER they rescued her from a terrible situation.

Her original owner didn't know how to care for her properly and feeding her wild birdseed and other junk foods. The 1st rescuer even said they were threatening to put her on the floor w/ their dogs. :(

I found out about her when a girl from one of my Eclectus groups saw her in an ad on CL. There was a VERY pitiful photo of her and they were calling her a "Red-Headed" parrot.

Here is the cage that they said I could take with her....I politely declined. :)

They said she used to be bald when they got her and now she had some feathers on her body, so I' hoping that they will come back in time.
They called their vet and he told them that maybe she has mites so they should rub olive oil all over her body every other day. She didn't appreciate being grabbed by the guy wearing giant work gloves, or having olive oil rubbed on her...*sigh*

They lived in a little trailer and had 3 teenagers in there w/ them so it was pretty cramped for all involved.

They knew of the woman who originally had Gemma and said that her trailer was pretty scary and that she was pretty much feeding her wild bird seed and junk food. She also had other people in the house who didn't like Gemma and teased her w/ the dogs.
When they picked her up the lady couldn't remember the last time or what she ate. :(

The people who saved her really didn't know much about parrots and were just feeding her some parrot food that they bought at Walmart which to me pretty much looks like wild bird seed.
Gemma got along with the woman but was afraid of the guy after all the olive oil baths.

I drove about an hour in the snow on NYE morning to get her but would do it again in a heartbeat! She rode fine in the car but was a little car sick. She also laughed a lot.


Here she is at home....she was a little hesitate about coming out.




She is very cuddly and sweet and laughs all the time. She steps right up and gives kisses. I was worried about whether or not she would eat fruit/veggies etc....but so far every day her bowls are clean!
It's like she's been living w/ me for a year!

I am taking her to the vet on Tues to have blood work and cultures done. I also have her in quarantine in an upstairs office.
OMG how sad, that is terrible. SO glad that you were able to rescue her. I know that CL has such a bad rep for scams however some of the posting are valid. I just took in a rescue B & G Macaw off CL that was being fostered after removal from her home. Good thing people are able to step up and help some of these poor birds that need homes!

Whoohoo for you!
Such a sad start :( I'm glad you took her in! At least the person you got her from tried and realized that she needed to be re-homed. Shes a very lucky girl to have ended up with you :D.

I got Rocco and Rosie off of CL as well. Rocco was free, his original home he was tormented by seven small children - one of which would kick his cage all the time. The woman I got him from only had him for six months and thought that because of the trauma he went through that he should have his cage covered all day. The only time hes caged now is at night when hes sleeping. Rosie I did pay a small fee for but shes only a year old and re-home RB2s are not easy to find in FL (she was well loved though, given up because of allergies).
Oh that is so sad:( I am really happy that you have rescued her though :)

She is adorable and I am sure her feathers will grow back nicely.
Oh Gemma's story made me both cry AND smile. Why smile? Because she is in YOUR care now, and I think she is a VERY lucky Vosmaeri girl to have found you - or vice versa ;)

She's been through hell, no doubt. And yet she's still affectionate. It doesn't get any more special than that.
From looking in the bowl she had before you brought her home, that don't look like wild bird food to me, it looks like parrot seeds. She really don't seem to be super poor shape in that cage but food wise could be better. At least her cage didn't have poop piled sky high. I'm sorry but I think people use the term rescue losely where everything becomes rescued. But its a great thing you did to take her in!
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The cage in the photo was at her 1st rescuers' home...they took her away from the horrible home that she had prior to them and kept her 6 months. They lived in a small trailer and decided that they really weren't set up for a parrot. They were feeding her parrot food from Walmart (not sure of the brand) and said she also liked bananas and Fruit Loops. I feel they were very nice people, just not really aware of all the requirements of parrots. I was only referring to the fact that the new home's bird seed didn't look much different from the wild bird seed that she was on for 3 yrs prior.

I'd also say she needed more than a plastic chain to look at and dowel rods to perch on. :(
Awe what a beautiful little girl! She has such a wonderful expression on her face!
thats so sad glad you got her safe now! I love my Blue Crowned rescue i got off craigslist form someone who didnt know how to care for him :(
How sad! It makes since why she is so quite. It's also amazing how neglected birds can be so gentle. Rosie was physically abused and neglected, I believe she is so quite because they were mean to her if she ever made noise :(
Unfortunately a lot of places and unaware owners would feed Eclectus parrot seeds! The pet shop in my area did the exact same thing and I brought it to their attention when I saw it. Will they listen, nope....I went to visit her several times and she was still on the same diet.

You basically adopted Gemma instead of the word "rescue". It's just sad they weren't aware of the proper feeding of Eclectus and they think they were doing something good. It seems like Gemma is a Vosmarie Eclectus which would be a good match for your Vinny. It is NOT easy to get Gemma to stop the plucking process, once they start, it's very hard to stop them from doing so. I've pretty much come to terms with Gracie from plucking, she would grow them out nicely for a long time then suddenly one day she would pluck the pretty feathers out. At least we've got her tail feathers to grow back out after she broke them all from the fall she used to have while sleeping. We basically give her a nest box to sleep in so she wouldn't fall or catch cold cause she's pretty naked. Once winter is over, I'll remove the nest box and re-do her perches to something else to see if I can solve the issue of her falling during sleep. Good Luck!
I have always used the word 'rehomed', when I've taken in a bird in need...

Gemma is so cute...

Mikey, can you define 'rescue'?
You have made my day
I am so happy you are taking care of Gemma, high five to you
I have never seen a bird in such a state OMG
Wishing you many many years of happiness with Gemma
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Well, I consider my CAG a "Rehomed" parrot since he had a wonderful "home"....Gemma was rescued by people who "fostered" her but didn't want her. I don't even know where she came from before her first home but they think some sort of pet shop. In my mind I did "rescue" her from a terrible situation....terms don't really matter to me. They did want to see her go to a nice home though and only charged $150 for her cage and her things which they had to buy (food/ mirror whatever...) which I didn't take.
All of my critters are rescues except for my Vinny whom I got for my husband from a breeder (only because he is afraid of large birds and I wanted him to learn while he was a baby....goofy reason I know), and our cat Loki who was given to us to show.

I also ordered a thermal perch for her to sit on....maybe she'll like that?? Has anyone used one? I have a light on her and she's in a warm room.
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Will pluck away work? Sorry not a bird owner yet, but read a lot about them. Kings cages sell them
I also ordered a thermal perch for her to sit on....maybe she'll like that?? Has anyone used one? I have a light on her and she's in a warm room.

I've never used a thermal perch, but I know a bunch of folks are afraid of the bird chewing them and possibly getting electrocuted or possibly overheating. There are mixed reviews. :confused:

Let me try and find the links....
I have always used the word 'rehomed', when I've taken in a bird in need...

Gemma is so cute...

Mikey, can you define 'rescue'?

Rescue to me is taking on a bird that's in poor poor shape. Such as health related issues. When they're abused, poop piled up sky high (living in filthy conditions), took in from outside, etc. IF I were to use the word "rescue" on taking birds in from bad diet then all my birds would be "rescued". I consider that I adopted them from people that don't know how to care for them properly. Even though a few came to me in very poor shape, even to the point of malnutrition and days to live. That's happened numerous times. My ekkies were on poor diet and Gracie was already plucked like Gemma. But they weren't not fed and abused. And I paid for them as I didn't care since Gracie is such a sweerheart!

For the people that still paid to get the birds out of horrible situation like the recent one with the galah, I would considered that as rescued.
I have always used the word 'rehomed', when I've taken in a bird in need...

Gemma is so cute...

Mikey, can you define 'rescue'?

Rescue to me is taking on a bird that's in poor poor shape. Such as health related issues. When they're abused, poop piled up sky high (living in filthy conditions), took in from outside, etc. IF I were to use the word "rescue" on taking birds in from bad diet then all my birds would be "rescued". I consider that I adopted them from people that don't know how to care for them properly. Even though a few came to me in very poor shape, even to the point of malnutrition and days to live. That's happened numerous times. My ekkies were on poor diet and Gracie was already plucked like Gemma. But they weren't not fed and abused. And I paid for them as I didn't care since Gracie is such a sweerheart!

For the people that still paid to get the birds out of horrible situation like the recent one with the galah, I would considered that as rescued.

I think there are different levels of rescue and its ridiculous to say only the most extreme cases are a rescue. I personally find that cage atrocious. One bad toy to play with and very little room to move around in. The very opposite of what is considered a healthy diet for an Eclectus. What kind of life is that? Even for six months. Try to see it in perspective. Would you like to live in a extremely small room watch the same episode of Baby Einstein everyday and eat candy corn for six months? Its a life and your not getting beat but when you where free would you considered yourself rescued or rehomed.

Seriously no offense when I say this but its almost like your elevating a word to make others akin to saints while everyone else is just kind of meh.

As for thanking the people who let her go. Seems to me she wen't from really bad to kind of bad. BOTH of the people who owned her before realized they where not doing a good job and let her go. so I guess kudo's to them. Which is kind of like thanking a jailor for eventually doing the right thing. The damage is done no thanks required for that.

PS I have never rescued or rehomed a bird so this is the most unbiased opinion possible.
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I have always used the word 'rehomed', when I've taken in a bird in need...

Gemma is so cute...

Mikey, can you define 'rescue'?

Rescue to me is taking on a bird that's in poor poor shape. Such as health related issues. When they're abused, poop piled up sky high (living in filthy conditions), took in from outside, etc. IF I were to use the word "rescue" on taking birds in from bad diet then all my birds would be "rescued". I consider that I adopted them from people that don't know how to care for them properly. Even though a few came to me in very poor shape, even to the point of malnutrition and days to live. That's happened numerous times. My ekkies were on poor diet and Gracie was already plucked like Gemma. But they weren't not fed and abused. And I paid for them as I didn't care since Gracie is such a sweerheart!

For the people that still paid to get the birds out of horrible situation like the recent one with the galah, I would considered that as rescued.

I think there are different levels of rescue and its ridiculous to say only the most extreme cases are a rescue. I personally find that cage atrocious. One bad toy to play with and very little room to move around in. The very opposite of what is considered a healthy diet for an Eclectus. What kind of life is that? Even for six months. Try to see it in perspective. Would you like to live in a extremely small room watch the same episode of Baby Einstein everyday and eat candy corn for six months? Its a life and your not getting beat but when you where free would you considered yourself rescued or rehomed.

Seriously no offense when I say this but its almost like your elevating a word to make others akin to saints while everyone else is just kind of meh.

As for thanking the people who let her go. Seems to me she wen't from really bad to kind of bad. BOTH of the people who owned her before realized they where not doing a good job and let her go. so I guess kudo's to them. Which is kind of like thanking a jailor for eventually doing the right thing. The damage is done no thanks required for that.

PS I have never rescued or rehomed a bird so this is the most unbiased opinion possible.

I think its ridiculous for you to think its

I placed myself as the adopted parent! I have rescued a few but I never rant about it either thank you very much! Are you there to witness the bird never coming out to play? Yes the cage isn't all that BUT its not down right filthy either. You have NOT ever done it to know any better to see filth, now that will turn your stomachs.
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