Meet Dickens


New member
Aug 4, 2010
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Great State of Texas
Abby 2 year old Female Eclectus & Solomon 12 year old Male CAG & Dickens 4 year old CAG.
I have taken in a 4 year old male Gray named Dickens. His previous owner had dropped him when he was 2 and he has never trusted her since and she is scared of him. He squawks and flops all over his cage trying to get away from her. She called me a week ago and ask me to take him, Cage, toys and food.
She brought him here Sunday. He was extremely nervous to say the least.
I opened his carrier to let him out and he floated to the floor. This is the picture of him on the floor. If I got too close he would squawked and rolled on his back with feet up in the air and beak wide open just a growling. I had to towel him to get him in his cage.Today he has not squawked at all but goes to the other side of his cage. He is eating his morning food of veggies and fruit and brown rice. I just gave him some millet and I can hear him eating it.... This will be take some time to gain his trust.


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    Dickens 03-26-13.webp
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Im sure you will be able to win him over.:)
Greys take awhile to give trust in the first place and even longer to get it back... Sadly. I believe in you!!! You can do it. On another note he is beautiful:)
A quick update on Dickens... He is eating very good and playing with his toys.
last night he was hanging on the side of his cage and let me pet his feet. He was squawking in a low tone but did not move or attempt to lung or bite at my hand. I have been talking to him and he is paying attention as he cocks his head to the side while I am talking.... some baby steps....
Good job, I am sure this will not take all that long to gain his trust. Just stay patient and let him come to you first.
Poor Dickens, that is so sad that he and his past human bad a bad relationship :( just respect him and I bet he'll eventually be won over.
Dickens is doing great Mike, you sure a winning him over.
Just shows how lots of patience, time and love can win a bird over.
He sure is a handsome fella
Keep it up

Some Greys can be so ultra sensitive. Even those not trying to cause them a fear-related incident can inadvertently do so. It's difficult to give them a "perfect world" every single day, so, eventually, something will happen to spook them, so the re-winning trust exercises will apply to almost everyone who lives with a Grey. I play two weeks of "make up" every time I have to clip my Grey's nails. And, when we moved, it was a full year before he became comfortable in our new house (and then that's only certain rooms). Good luck. I'll be following your progress. Sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. Glad he has you now.
Thanks to all for the encouraging words... I will be a slow process but I know he will come around...
First off I just have to say it, I LOVE the name! Ok now back to the topic at hand. This as it has said will take lots of patience. I think you are doing a great job! I had an amazon that was so fearful when I rescued her and I just took it very slow. Just move slowly around Dickens, try reading to him maybe with the door to the cage open and just sit outside of the cage and read to him. We did this for hours, we also during this time would slowly reach into the cage and feed her some favorite treats out of our hand. Slowly she started to allow us to place our hand next to her and she started to step up. It sounds like you are winning him over, it is just something that takes some time. Good luck and keep us updated!
Sounds like Dickens is already starting to feel comfie in his new home. Thanks for takig him in.
Oh man does he know step up? try teaching him ut in super small steps like

1 step towards your hand
2 steps toward your hands etc.

just break it down in teeny weenie steps so he may learn the all powerful step up move. Also try not to go out of your greys comfort zone And end EVERY training session on a good note. I am sure you will win this bird over gl.
Thanks to all for their information. Dickens is calming down. He was talking some saying hello and come here. I have only had him a week now. He does not feather up when I change his food and water. Small steps are the way with Dickens...
When I got Solomon, he was starving for attention and being older he was easier to earn his trust. Abby is still a baby and I have had her since she was weaned and she has been easy to work with also.
Good luck with Dickens. I think he is lucky to have you.

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