Meet Blue

I decided that since it's been 3 weeks since we got Blue, I'd post an updated picture. Her feathers are filling in nicely. She still has a ways to go on her legs, and I think she's still a tad under weight. But she's eating just fine and acting normal.

Bruce, Blue is looking fantastic! What a sweet cuddlebug!
Bruce, Blue is looking fantastic! What a sweet cuddlebug!

She really is loveable. She is completely content (but very active) when she's on my shoulder (arm, hand, etc.) and makes no noise other than the kissy sounds when she gets skritches. Her eyes pin, the head goes back and rolls from side to side and she chirps. I'm not sure if it's love or just hormones.

Nails are getting done this week. They're so sharp that they're getting hung up in my shirts. I'm going to have the young lady teach me how so I can do it myself next time.
After her nail trim last night. Poor baby couldn't get close enough to me. She kept hiding behind my head from the big bad lady who trimmed those nails! (thank goodness!) Big bad lady is 21 years old and probably weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. But Blue HATES her.

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She's looking so awesome! I love it when they decide to let you give them scritches.
OMG she LIVES for scritches!
What a looker, Bruce! And of course it's even sweeter that she's such a lovebug!! :D
Oddly enough, it seems that my giving her attention has made Simba want my attention even more. And he's being very sweet about it. I find this odd, considering a few weeks ago he hated me after getting his beak trimmed.
I'm reading this thread for the first time, I don't know how I missed it.

I love Blue's story! She's beautiful, and her feathers have improved so much in just three weeks.
Unfortunately, she has started plucking again. :( At least for one day. She seems to have stopped today, but yesterday she pulled probably 20+ feathers out. She looks ragged again. I'm very sad. :( She's getting LOTS of love and attention this weekend.
nice bird very beautifull , hope mine will be like this too ;)
This is the newest addition to my flock. A 4 year old IRN named Blue. I was told that her name was Pipsqueak originally, but she has been called Blue for some time now and so that's what we will call her. She's a total sweetheart! She plucked herself at one time, but has since regrown almost everything. She looks a little rough, but she's molting right now. I'm told that within a month or so she'll look completely normal again. Her legs are pretty bare, but that's ok.

I'm new on here and just read your post about your Blue. I also have a blue IRN and his official full name is "Oiseau Bleu". That's French for Blue Bird. I just call him Bleu for short. Just wondering how your Blue is doing? Oiseau Bleu is a little over a year old and is becoming quite socialable. So would be very interested to hear how your Blue is doing.
Well, it's been a little over 2 months since Blue plucked herself, and I'm happy to report that she is almost back to being fully feathered again! Hopefully that was the last plucking incident.

That's great news! I hope Blue continues to thrive, she's a lovely girl.
Nice, Bruce!!! :) You must be thrilled beyond belief! I'm so happy for you and Jo!! :D

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