MBS symptoms and treatments


New member
Sep 14, 2013
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Columbus, GA
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
My MBS is having major flare ups.

I really REALLY want some finches and canaries. Like really bad. I had them when I was a kid (a lady who had bought a budgie from me when I was 12 went into the nursing home when I was in high school and dropped all of her birds; a cockatiel, 3 budgies, 2 finches, and a canary; off at my house) and I had a very old finch who was dumped by his owners for a few months until his death, and my finch fever is increasing.

But I can't get any finches or canaries right now. We currently live in Hawaii, and while I have the money already saved for moving all my current birds next year, I know I shouldn't be adding birds to my flock that won't even be tame most likely.

So as a temporary treatment, I'm planning my indoor finch aviary for when we move!!! And researching which species can coexist peacefully :)

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Good Lord, you got a very bad case of MBS!

Sometimes taking a very Cold Shower with all your cloths on will, Oh, wait, never mine, your live on that Island place and likely do not live at the top of a mountain.

Best of luck!

Hey, you got a friend with a Too that could come over and yell at you for hours at a time, that might help a little.
Good Lord, you got a very bad case of MBS!

Sometimes taking a very Cold Shower with all your cloths on will, Oh, wait, never mine, your live on that Island place and likely do not live at the top of a mountain.

Best of luck!

Hey, you got a friend with a Too that could come over and yell at you for hours at a time, that might help a little.

No, because I have a cockatoo-resistant strain of MBS ;) mine is strictly small bird oriented!

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I feel yer pain!
I want... canaries, a 'keet, a 'tiel, a couple of Gouldians...
But I have a fail-safe, fool-proof prevention.
THE RICKEYBIRD! Flighted, fearless, homicidal and avicidal. He only lets me keep my ol' man under HIS STRICT TERMS.
Thanks! Who should I credit it to?

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I feel yer pain!
I want... canaries, a 'keet, a 'tiel, a couple of Gouldians...
But I have a fail-safe, fool-proof prevention.
THE RICKEYBIRD! Flighted, fearless, homicidal and avicidal. He only lets me keep my ol' man under HIS STRICT TERMS.

Lol, yeah you better step lightly or he won't let you keep the spare human!

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Eek!! I know exactly how you feel! I want a harlequin macaw SO badly right now, though I'd even love to take a sun conure. I clearly see my life with either of those, and Parker. But my situation dictates only the parkerdoodle reigns. I have a willing babysitter for Parker and our dog free of charge when I travel (which seems to be a lot over the last couple year). That good will disappears with another bird.
Understood. Unfortunately treatment has a very low success rate and MBS sufferers usually find themselves indulging their habit.

Hoping you can last til the move tho!

I LOVE the aviary for the finches. I love them too.
Ok. Showing my dunce look... what is MBS?

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You aren't a dunce, sorry I forgot to include the translation: Multiple Bird Syndrome.

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Dani, my first birds were finches. It was the days before the internet and forums, so I learned things the hard way, and the birds were there ones who suffered. The most sad lesson was that not all species get along. I saw a poor little orange breasted waxbill die a brutal death in front of my eyes faster than I was able to do anything about it. I owned that bird for a matter of minutes, but I will never forget that very hard lesson.

I had flight cages with beautiful Lady Gouldians and color mutations, and lots of exotic species. Many were rather expensive, some rare. Many of had to rehome because they were not fit for a cage (needed an aviary, and no one told me when I purchased). It was too bad that I was such a newbie and didn't have easy access to the knowledge we have from the internet today. I miss the finches, but I don't think I'd do it again unless I had a small aviary.

These days my cure for MBS is cleaning and time constraints to spend with the birds.
That's exactly why it's easier for me to wait; knowing that I have a lot of learning to do in the mean time. I probably won't end up with anything too crazy. I have always wanted some gouldians but I don't know if I'll ever put in the money for them when Society finches and Zebra finches are so readily available, and will likely fill emotional desire I have lol.

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Multiple Bird Syndrome
I have been infected too. I want to find a good freind for Sunny.

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You aren't a dunce, sorry I forgot to include the translation: Multiple Bird Syndrome.

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It is ok. My brain was injured so I forget to explain myself at times.

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What are parrolet bird personality and needs? I am thinking of rescuing one.

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