May be getting a sun conure.

The chateau xl cage from is nice too, that's what I have. :)
Thanks!Xenthius I just found that one a little bit ago and was gonna post the link to it:) I will check out the one Rio Mom suggested too.
I bought my grey from a breeder in Iowa. Ida was $900 and if you want to have the bird sexed it was an extra $25.
That's a good price. We're thinking about reserving one of the babies within the next 2-3 months. There were no lookers right now at the babies but I don't want to go ahead and reserve it until we're certain and until we get a cage.
Okay we've decided to keep the bird in our family room. It is out from the kitchen but it's well ventilated and it's on the complete other end of the room. We cook on low settings also. Is it okay to keep the bird there?

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