Max's homecoming


New member
Jun 28, 2011

RIP Ricco--Mexican Red Head Amazon
I found a young Senegal on Craigslist a few weeks ago. Max is almost a year old, and is being rehomed after the original owner lost her home. Max was fostered by the owner's friend, but the foster couldn't keep her because she has too many pets of her own. The foster has had Max for 2 months, and is adjusting slowly, but well.

This weekend, I am bringing Max home. I am excited and nervous, as I haven't had a young bird in the house for years! :) Max has toys and pellets. The foster is bringing the remaining food (bistro and pellet meals) and Max's favorite toy (a yellow Lego).

Anyone have any advice? This is my first Senegal. I had an Amazon for 18 years, Ricco, whom I had since he was weaned.

Thank you in advance!
lol come back an let us know how you are gettin on!!! sene's are all little charmers/flirts and welcome!
Ooooooo, lucky YOU!, It's about to get very interesting and fun all at the same time for you. There is no reason for you to be nervous with Max. If you had an Amazon before, a Senegal is a cake walk. Although, I do refer to them as the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde of the parrot world. Mine will love up on me, get around my neck and chin and rub her head under my chin especially if I hadn't shaved in a few days all the time cooing. But then again, I can reach my hand down to pet her and she will reach around and give me a pressure pinch on my finger just to let me know, back off buddy I'm not ready for you yet.

My Sennie is also a second hand bird and was hand fed by the previous owner. But due to them getting a dog, they pretty much cage bound Tiki for 3-4 months. So I had to spend a little time with her getting her acclumated to being held and used to hands again. It took a couple off weeks for that and then a month for the head scritches and neck rubs. She has just started letting my wife rub her neck the last few weeks.
We've had Tiki now for close to 7 months and have loved every minute of it.
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Max will be here Sunday. I am very excited. I know Max is going to be nervous, and probably thinking "Here we go again" as this is the third new home. But this is the LAST new home :)
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I added an album to my profile. It has photos of Max at the foster home. There are also photos of some of the toys I bought for Max.
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This photo was taken at the foster home, shortly after Max arrived.


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He's a real beauty. You will be very surprised at just how smart these little birds are. they may be small, but they have a huge personality.
Some of the African birds tend to be more independant like what I have heard of African Greys. But I have not this with the few Senegals that I have been around.

Tiki loves playing with new toys, but she is just as happy or content riding around on my shoulder or spending the afternoon sitting on my knew while watching TV or on the computer. It reminds me of the time we bought our daughter one of those toy kitchens which came with stove fridge and all kinds of other stuff for Christmas. It was a few hundred dollars back then. Well from day one, she played more with that big empty box than she did with that toy kitchen set for a good two weeks. I told my wife we would have to throw out the box or she wouldn't play with the toy. My wife said let her do her thing with the box.

I kind of knew then that she wasn't going to grow up and be a Food Network star.
awww too cute :)

lol mike i bet a yr ago if some1 said our lives be ruled by a small bird, we'd have laughed an thought them crazy!
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hahahahaha, my daughter actually gets a tad upset with me when I compare Tiki to the way she was when she was a child. Yep, Tiki has me wrapped around her little toe just like my daughter had me wrapped around her finger.
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I cannot wait to see Max. Do any of your birds have a particular favorite toy or treat? The foster has been giving Max organic, unsalted nuts as a treat (almonds and pecans). But I know that those are good for treats, but only in moderation. What other yummies do you feed your feathered flock?
What's bistro?
nut loves egg but i tend to give her a slice of the top including the shell, no yolk just the white, chicken wing bones, with the white grissle an a little meat on, pasta, rice, seeded bread, pomegranet, peas in the pod, sweet corn, baked potatoe, mashed potatoe (i do little baby one for her lol) a whole host of foods she will share with us at meal times

and the omg un healthy treats, tiny amount of cheese! whatsit (cheese puff) cereal bars all these she gets like a crumb off, but not daily its if she is about, we now snack at night lol after her bed time

oh high coloured fruits, some of the juice can stain an nut really likes to shake the pomegranet seeds!!! and as for the poop, pray it does not fall on the carpet lol

lol mike, my step daughter, dannika walked by her dad an said, that bird has more attention then what we did as kids!!! to which phil replied, yes but if i was to have given you a head scratch in your teenage yrs you'd have taken my hand off!! and yes though dan did not poop about the house, she was more hormonal then the nut during her teenage yrs!
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So Heather, the foster, had informed me that Max isn't talking (yet--I will work on that) but doesn't seem to respond much to its name. I don't know if the original owner had given Max a different name, and the bird is confused. And since we do not know if Max is a male or female (I am going to take Max to the vet a few weeks from now--I don't want Max to associate car rides with going to a new home, so I want to be able to take Max to a few places and get used to car rides mean interesting places and that I am still going to be there!!), I was initially contemplating a new name. But now I think that if I rename Max, the bird may really be confused. I will be the 3rd flock Max has had in its young life (The bird is about a year old.). Should I try to rename or should I leave the name alone? Thanks :)
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hummm i re-named nut as her original name was angel an now we cll her both? no confusion, she just comes when she wants to anyway
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It's today!! It's TODAY!!! Today's the DAY!!! :) I am sooo excited :) *I know, none of you can tell, right?!?!?!* I get Max in about 5 hours from now :)

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