Marigold Needs a Vet Check Up But....


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Hamilton, Victoria, Australia
See siggie :)
Marigold's vent looks 'eggnant', my term for egg bum. But.... she hasn't laid any eggs. So, I am trying to convince my parents to let me take her to a vet. I will pay, I have a lot of money saved up for that. No avian vets are available in my town. I have about $220-$240. Last time she looked like this she DID lay. A vet would probably do an x-ray of her abdomen. I'm wondering if she has an egg in there and is holding it ( internal laying ). Maybe I should give her a box in a separate cage so she can lay? I'm going to try to get her to a vet but my parents will probably refuse....
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They think budgies are kind of.... well, disposable. They refuse to let me go to the vet because it is a 'waste' of money. Last time I bullied them into taking me when Marigold had a sore foot ( I think it was BROKEN ) and no vet was available. They threatened to cut my pocket money if I paid the vet because it was using their money. I can't take tablets ( I don't know why! ) so when I refused, they threatened to let my budgies go. It isn't their fault, they put up with me feeding them vegetables and fruit and a lot otherwise, they just don't really get it. Of course, if we were talking about a dog here, it would already be at the vets. Marigold seems pretty healthy, but I'm still worried.
Have you tried soaking the vent area in warm water and keeping her in a warm area even the hot water cuboard if nothing else available
look up on remidies for egg binding and see if you can't find something that helps if she hasn't laid within 2 days get her to the vet ask beg scrowng
ask friends parents if they would take you
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Nah, it isn't egg binding. Internal laying is, from what I can gather, either absorbing the egg or holding it. What I'm worried about is a possible tumour. I'll get a picture soon.
I take my hat off to you Ratzy, you never give up, always being positive.
Hope Marigold is okay
Always in my prayers and thoughts
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Thank you. I've begged dad but.... And some of his comment really upset me. He said "oh, it'll live." When I told him SHE wouldn't he said, "it won't, then." He just doesn't get it. Mum agrees with me so fingers crossed she'll take me. I showed her poor Marigold's lump and she said that it looked nasty.
Oh I'm so sorry! I do find it so very refreshing that you care so much for them, too many people see budgies the way your parents do. Even if they don't feel the same way you do I so very much hope that if they see how much you care they'll come around with a change of heart. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and marigold!
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Still can't get to a vet right now. Marigold seems healthy and happy right now. Have been advised it may be internal laying, not a tumour, as she has had laying troubles recently ( laying without a box ).
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Well, nothing had changed so I assumed it was internal egg laying. I didn't know that internal egg laying was when the egg wasn't fully formed, I thought it was when the hen was eggnant and didn't lay because of no nesting space. So I separated Marigold and Skye from the rest and gave them a nest box as mum suggested, to encourage her to pass the egg. I was then told what internal egg laying was, and took out the nest box straight away. Just as I was putting the box into the shed, I took off the lid. There was a perfectly formed EGG! She is still 'eggnant' but less than before. The nest box was only in there for about 3 hours! So I'm a little confused.... I am going out this morning to get calcium stuff to put in her water. I just went to the beach, so I have plenty of cuttlefish bone.
Well that's rather mixed news
some good some bad well not bad but things certainly could be better
glad to here that she seems to be on the mend
your a great parront
keep up the good work
As a fellow budgie lover...marigold is lucky to be yours.
Ratzy, I'd leave the box with her. I've no experience with laying hens, but I've read many times, that if you take the eggs, she'll continue replacing them.
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I've been advised to remove the box. I'm giving Marigold a 6 month rest before I breed with her again. She isn't in condition to rear young right now. I'm putting a divider into the cage ( 100 times 60 times 150cm ) and will have females in one half, males in the other. So, if I do have any more egg laying issues, I won't have to worry about them being fertile. Poor Marigold. Vet is out, but I bought some calcium liquid to help her. Thank you.

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