Manny has left me!


New member
Jan 6, 2016
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Los Angeles near Orange County
5 Parakeets:
Dentla- Female
RIP Manny 1/9/2016 9:59 pm
2 finches
2 cockatiels
Today at 9:59 my parakeet manny has left this world. She was a beautiful yellow female who was very loving. She was sick and at night she would stay in her bird house and shake. She stopped sitting on her 3 eggs.and had unusual behavior. I had work and my family had took her to the vet. They came back with a prescription and said to make her drink this once a day. It's was 12 pm when I have her the medicine and then took her out on her perch. She was a extremely picky bird and would only eat the small pieces in the bird foods not the slightly larger ones. So I decided to seperate the big pieces from the bird food and then returned from the backyard into the house where the perch was. I stepped into the room and saw my little manny on the floor fallen of the perch. I immediately ran to her with tears bursting out of my eyes........

She left behind three eggs which she was having with Dylan, they are in the bird house and now my other parakeets are putting them in their mouth and throwing them out of the house! What do I do? One egg has already cracked! There are 2 left and I don't know what to do? She only incubated them for 2 days.

Can someone please give me advice on what to do with the remaining 2 eggs. I have the eggs are put on top of a cotton ball bed with a small heat lamp.... I need help. Any advice will be appreciated
I Am so sorry for you loss♡♡♡ best of luck with the eggs. I've seen people online who have been able to hatch and raise birds without the mother. Hopefully someone on here can help
I don't know what to do and there's 16 days left for them to hatch
If this were me, I'd start searching the web! There's def a way for you to do this, if that's what you want. Go talk to a vet maybe?
There are people on this forum that might be able to help...silversage is one of them...she's amazing.. Sorry for your loss. And good luck.

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