Mango photoshoot! (Pic Heavy)

Beauuuuuuuuutiful pictures. You're really great with the camera there and your lovvie is just too cute!

Just wondering about your window by the way, do you have a pattern on them so the birds realise that they can't just fly through it or is there another reason?

Keep the pics coming, love them! +that window perch idea is just great! :D
That birdy is in love with his camera - he *knows* people are going to be admiring him. Just look at the expression on his face. LOL! Maybe you should have called him Fabio?
WOW, absolutely gorgeous. What a really beauty. I'm in such awwwww of people who have natural ability at certain things and your natural ability is definately photography. These pictures are fabulous. I wish I could take pictures like this.
the ledge is a DIY idea using an old cage grate bent in half hung up on suction cups! we wrapped the bottom with fleece and hung up some toys. the birds really like it!

mango is one of the most beautiful birds in flight, the colours in his wings are unique :)

your shots are very very good....and so is Mango :D
I love what you did with the grate, I just might steal your idea and try that myself.
I have many grates here that I don't use, but now you got me thinking;)
Those pictures are AMAZING!!!!! Thank you for sharing your sweet bird is adorable!!!
really lovely felluh you have there~ can i ask, what mutation is he?:)
Mango is a single dark factor seagreen pied (heavy pied) peach faced lovebird :) (aint that a mouthful D: )
Oh My Gosh!!!!!!! He is amazing!!!!!! He is so cute! :D
How very lovely.
These pictures are fantastic!! AND WHAT A GORGEOUS BIRDY HEHE!
Dally Fantastic Photography specially of a bird in flight.Mango is so cute! healthy bird.It shows your care & love for him.Great job.

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