MAJESTI... never mind.


New member
Aug 29, 2014
Wellington, New Zealand
1x Male Alexandrine Parrot
So I'm watching a programme on owls and they were showing several slow-motion clips of owls, ducks, and falcons flying and I was all misty eyed going "ITS. SO. MAJESTIC. I. CANT. EVEN. DEAL. WITH. HOW. LOVELY. THIS. IS." and then I glance over at my Alexandrine Parrot, Tachyon, whos just horked up a massive offering of I-Love-You food and is offering it to a random stick in his cage.

ROFL! I think you may be looking at it wrong. It sounds like Tachyon was deeply moved by the program and made a loving gesture to a.....random stick! Can't win 'em all!
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That would be fine .. if he could have seen or heard the video, which he couldnt! Hes just going through a .. umm .. 'lonely' time at the moment. The sticks are not amused!
Ahem, my mistake! Tried to help you out there, Tachyon!
LOL! That's hilarious! My IRN has just started showing love for random sticks as well. He spent 5 minutes trying to court a spare Java tree branch I have placed on a built in. Must be a ringneck thing...
LOL! That's hilarious! My IRN has just started showing love for random sticks as well. He spent 5 minutes trying to court a spare Java tree branch I have placed on a built in. Must be a ringneck thing...

Mine is currently in love with a screw on his cage.

He also has a love-hate relationship with his reflection.

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