Macaw Questions

Hey kid(not used in an insulting way), I genuinely wish you well in your endeavers. When I was younger I really wanted to fly for a living. That feeling when the wheels lift off.... no words describe it. But here I am, nearly 30, married to my best friend together doing a bird farm thing in beautiful country up in the mountains LOL how could I possibly complain? I love my life. But in another timeline, maybe I would have chased the dream. Totally 100% wish you well. What a way to earn your groceries. :)

My uncles are/were pilots. One has passed to the great airplane in the sky, and the other is retired now and not always doing so well. They both started in the Coast Guard together flying. One went on to fly for Delta, the other Southwest.

I have no ill will towards you at all. I just really, really am passionate about birds, all types, but especially parrots. They are completely amazing animals and deserve the absolute best care possible.

Man, cant say I dont respect you. Your life sounds amazing! I hope to achive something similar with my hobby in fish. If I get this bird, it will likely be the only one I get. My spouse will also need lots of attention lol.

Don't worry, I know you're not ill towards me. I feel exactly the same way about fish. You go and buy a simple betta fish, I'll flood you with information and make sure you're ready to just own a single BETTA fish, haha. I respect your passion for parrots, as they are special exotic birds.

Not to pat myself on the back, but I wish other people would put in at least the amount of effort as I do before getting such animals. Millions of clownfish died when Finding Nemo came out, because people wanted a clownfish, and got one without knowing how to care for one.

Anyhow, thank you all for your info. I'll make sure to keep in touch. Happy holidays!

- Josh:red1:

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