Macaw Game - The Human Swing!


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Does anyone else do "THE SWING?!"

This was a favorite Hyacinth game (with a twist) and I have just started doing it with Maggie. It made her nervous at first, but now she really seems to enjoy it.

We did that to get them to exercise their wings... a little birdie cardio. (Actually, the Hyacinth taught ME this game. I had never played it before.)

Someone actually had to explain it to me, cuz I had no idea what the bird wanted me to do.

"He's grabbing both my hands, counting to 3, and getting upset because I don't get it!"

He wants you to swing him.


Wait... What?! How?!)

It essentially involves taking the bird by the feet - with a foot holding onto each hand. You then swing the bird upside down until the head is nearly touching the floor, and then back up over your head, pause at the top and hold them there for a second, and then back down upside down again.

With the Hys, there was a twist. After a couple of swings, you would count 3 swings (the bird would count with you) and on the upswing of 3, you let go of the bird and throw him up in the air. Then you put your arm up and point to the perch spot, and the bird comes down right where you are pointing...

(Then scurries right back over to your hand... do it again!) Obviously you need some tall ceilings if you're going to do that last part! Or outside with a recalled bird - Maggie's recalled! (Don't try this outside with a non-recalled bird - DUH!)
We want to see the video :)
Holy crap yes, I'd love to see that on video. I have stinky low ceilings.
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Well, the Hy-Hy was years ago and in NorCal. So, I don't have video of that.

I have low ceilings too, but Maggie does the swing part of it. The first time I did it, she didn't care much for it. The second time, she was a little better. The next couple of times, she started doing the flapping, and squawking, and making faces on the upswing thing...

(We haven't progressed to the let go part yet, and the one I played with was trained to do that LONG before I ever played with him... She's recalled and 100% trustworthy so I might try this with her in the back yard if, and when, she gets bored with just swinging.)

I can do this with my two macaws and my red lored. The other two? Well, the CAG would bite the crap out of me if I even thought about doing something like that to him... (in case you ever think about it again, I was not amused!)

I might be able to persuade Sarah to video it for me.
It would be the cutest video :) We don't see enough of your birds!
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I honestly don't have a way of posting pics. I don't even have a functioning home computer at the moment...

And the best I can do is cell phone photos and videos.

Without a way to get those posted... well...

NOW if I could email the stuff to someone there could be more...
Email them to me :)
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I'll see if I can talk Sarah into videoing this over the weekend then...

And I'll video some of the tree time tonight...
If you have a android, iOS or Windows phone you can post them from the phone, but I can guarantee there's lots of us that would post for you :)
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And the best I can do is cell phone photos and videos

I use my iPhone to do my photos. I have a Photobucket app, and it's very easy.


I have a smart phone. Never actually used it for anything other than talking on the phone, a few photos, and a couple of emails... Never really had the time to sit down and figure out how it works... and my teenager thinks it's something you're just inherently born with, so whaddyamean explain it!

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