Macaw Beak Tip broken few days back with blood


Feb 9, 2020
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Green winged macaw (2 years old) Named Zack
Please guys I hope you'll help me out...I'm so depressed
My gw macaw was watching something on phone and he grabbed it with force for the first time in his life...His beak's tip was broken and blood kept on dripping for 10 minutes but then it stopped...
He was doing fine and I started to give him soft food.. Now problem is yesterday I gave him his wooden stick to chew and play and suddenly I noticed he has big sheets of keratin peeling off his beak.He usually peels his beak in large chunks every year but yesterday I became worried and noticed he is missing a small chunk of his white part from side...You can say the side line of beak came off with keratin but obviously no blood or discomfort...Attaching files below for reference
Will his missing part grow back with keratin?

And there's no avian vet in my whole country...I went to one vet who was so stupid that I feared for my baby's life...


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when the beak flakes off like that it is most likely normal, I believe.

But to break the tip bad enough to draw blood sounds odd.

My macaw would break the phone before his beak broke that bad I think?

Did you know that cornstarch will stop the bleeding?

Other than that I am of no help. But others will be.

Good luck
when the beak flakes off like that it is most likely normal, I believe.

But to break the tip bad enough to draw blood sounds odd.

My macaw would break the phone before his beak broke that bad I think?

Did you know that cornstarch will stop the bleeding?

Other than that I am of no help. But others will be.

Good luck
Hi...Surprising thing was my phone was absolutely fine but his beak tip was so long before so it broke off easily by hitting it...Blood lasted for 10 minutes that day,I applied corn starch and he was absolutely fine the very next day
Now my main concern is not broken tip
You can notice his side...One chunk is missing if you notice it...Like side piece of beak came off with keratin yesterday when he played with wooden stick...Maybe it was already damaged that day
Beak material is like your fingernails, its keratin, and will grow back fine. It just takes awhile, several months likely. If he will sit still for it, perhaps 1x a week or 2 take a nail file and LIGHTLY reduce the length of the very tip, say 1/2 a mm. The core of the beak is pretty sensitive so dont take much off.

Provide lots of wood chewing toys, with some of them of a harder wood then pine.
Beak material is like your fingernails, its keratin, and will grow back fine. It just takes awhile, several months likely. If he will sit still for it, perhaps 1x a week or 2 take a nail file and LIGHTLY reduce the length of the very tip, say 1/2 a mm. The core of the beak is pretty sensitive so dont take much off.

Provide lots of wood chewing toys, with some of them of a harder wood then pine.
I was worried about this side where I encircled .This side has missing part.
Yesterday I gave him a wooden stick to chew on but his beak started peeling in chunks. I know that's keratin but is this side normal?


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Do you have a zoo or bird sanctuary anywhere near you? There might be an avian vet on staff there who may be willing to help 🙏
It will take a long time but it will eventually grow and even out, just as would your fingernail or toenail. Just be patient.
Beak material is like your fingernails, its keratin, and will grow back fine. It just takes awhile, several months likely. If he will sit still for it, perhaps 1x a week or 2 take a nail file and LIGHTLY reduce the length of the very tip, say 1/2 a mm. The core of the beak is pretty sensitive so dont take much off.

Provide lots of wood chewing toys, with some of them of a harder wood then pine.
I was worried about this side chipoView attachment 61006
It will take a long time but it will eventually grow and even out, just as would your fingernail or toenail. Just be patient.
I hope so too..
I'm just worried what if he damages it more by cage bars ? He often grinds beak on bars
I was worried about this side chipoView attachment 61006

I hope so too..
I'm just worried what if he damages it more by cage bars ? He often grinds beak on bars
Just keep an eye on him and purchase some syptic powder, or corn starch to apply pressure to the bleeding if it should somehow get re-injured.

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