Congratulations on getting Lucy home!
I'd say, yea...she's just stretching, my birds do it all the time, first one wing, then the other, often they really get into it, straighten out the same leg as the wing they're stretching, open and close their little foot.
I know you are going to enjoy your Lucy as much as we are enjoying our Franklin. He's TRYING to talk but I can't distiguish what he's saying yet, however it's the cutest thing, he walks up toward my ear and starts talking, not loud, just normal talking voice he says one phrase and I'm just not sure what it is yet.
Every day, I say to him, well all of them, I Loovvveee Youuuuu and make a dramatic kissing sound. Franklin is catching on, when I say I looovvvveeee youuuuu, he ends it with the kissing sound
He's 3 months old tomorrow and we've had him 2 weeks.
And for those wondering, Franklin is really quiet, my male tiel makes WAAAYYYYY more racket then our yellow sided green cheek.
Can't wait to see more pictures!