Lovebird rubs head on cage?


New member
Nov 5, 2016
Peepo (Pied Blue Fischer's Lovebird)
I tried looking this up but could not find anything, so I decided to ask here.

Peepo, my Pied Blue Fischer, is my first bird and has been with me for about three weeks I can say. For this past week, I have noted him inexplicably rubbing his head on his cage. It looked cute at first, but now he's been doing it at random intervals, perhaps a few times a day or so? I'm worried it might be something like mites, but, again, looking it up on Google did not give me anything substantial.

Any ideas as to what this could be? Thanks~
A few of ours poke their beak through the bars and rub their head up and down vigorously. It is their way of telling us that they want to come out for a fly around.
My birds do the same thing. Sometimes it is used as a preening aid to get to an area they can not reach. Is he rubbing any certain area like around the eyes or just the whole head in general?

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