Lovebird pair problem

at 6 months old it isnt even old enough to breed yet! So not a real pair. Also kissing is good they may have been feeding each other!
I know i was planning to buy them around that age so
they can get used to the new cage and stuff. What if they arent kissing but standing next to each other?? Is it like 12 mo when they are mature? Sometimes earlier sometimes later?
Thanks for your update. ill let you know how they are doing tomorrow
males wil mature around 6 months and females around 10 months but its unhealthy for them to breed before they are each a year old because a female is more prone to become egg bound when young and both are to young to raise babies withought problems as they will be to carefree is what I would use to describe it haha.
oh haha. Just wondering but they breed about 3 times a year?? Also can i like take half a lovebird clutch to handfeed and leave rest to the parents? and its okay to leave the nest box on the bottom. Also that little stick that they put for the nest box is that suppose to go inside or outside xD i think its outside because they need help going in?
two to three times a year. also yes you can remove half and leave half I usually leave all with the parents and just play with them every day so they are socialized but I dont have to worry about something going wrong with handfeeding as many things can happen! About the nest box I have never researched that but I would think higher is better cause in nature they build nests up high. and the stick depends on the nest box style look at my youtube channel I have some videos on lovebird nest boxes. They will get in just fine withought a perch though.
I watched your videos and they were really helpful!
i am wonder about playing and putting them back.
last time i checked on the eggs once a day to see if
any new ones were there and the mom stopped incubating -_-
Then another time i watched the babies like twice a day and in
the second day the stopped feeding the babies and they died ):
Any ideas why? I also see people handling the eggs and stuff with
no problem!! What am i doing wrong?
I dont know that I handle all my birds eggs and babies with no problems sorry :(
How often do you handle them? Is it possible im scarring them.
I should wait till parent is out so i can take them out right?
I handle the eggs only to candle them when they are around 5 days and the babies I handle every day. Also yes I wait til parents are out to handle them.
Oh also that was canaries. Maybe thats a big factor?
First time breeding lovebird
Do you think i should handle them or should i just wait?
if it was canaries maybe they are different I know nothing about them If I were you I might not candle the eggs but I would handle the babies.
Sorry i asked a lot of questions but this would be the last one :D
How do i get more eggs? What should i feed them?? And if they have only
like 1 egg or 2 is that okay?? or does that mean she is unhealthy
there really isnt a way to get your bird to lay more eggs she will lay what is right for her body. However egg laying is a HUGE strain on the female and prior to breeding and during raising babies she should be getting extra calcium I give mine food with calcium supplement and boiled eggs crushed up shell and all.
Okay thanks!! Ill let you know how they are doing tomorrow if they are getting closer. I dont see him showing iff ir anything yet
I came home and they were together again but when my male lovebird saw me (tamed) he just left again. do you think that he bonded to me?? Also when should I put the nest box in and I think I have to put it in the bottom because I don't want to cut the wires
doesnt matter when you put it in and he may be bonded to you so try to avoid holding him.
Okay it's so hard tho ): he's so cute and he goes to the cage next to me. will he be untamed after this? Also when should I put box
he will probably be untamed yes mine all got mean after breeding you could always keep him as a pet and then get a different male since yours arent even bonded yet.
It's okay. I've seen bonded birds and also breeders. Mine was handfed from day 1 so I think he will be fine

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