Lost Sun Conure - Sydney (Lindfield)


New member
Jun 17, 2012
Hi Everyone

I have just signed up as I am looking for my beloved sun conure who flew away last Thursday - and very much hoping that he will turn up with someone who will go looking for his owner!!!

Hi name is Topaz and he is a 6 year old male without a band.

I last saw him in a tree backing onto bushland in Lindfield, which is in the northern suburbs of Sydney. Unfortunately he was too scared to fly down, and he then disappeared overnight.

I would really love to get him back.

I have already contacted various vets in the area, put ads in lost and found classifieds online, stuck up posters and letter dropped in the area - I can't think of much else to do but would be greatful for any other suggestions.

I'm sorry about Topaz! Hopefully someone will find him and return him! =)
really sorry to hear. :( Hopefully the right person finds him :)
they are pretty obviously not natives so if hes sociable enough to approach someone for food, anyone should have enough sense to hand him in.
When I lost Cory, I contacted the RSPCA, paid a small amount of money - 10 bucks I think - and they rang me several times about found corellas.. It was also through them I finally found her...
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Thanks everyone for your responses! No word yet (I haven't tried the RSPCA yet - I think my mum may have called them but I'll double check)
Have you checked on or posted on parrotalert.com?
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Hi Greycloud

Thanks for the suggestion, I have posted him on there, and just checked whether anything has been found - unfortunately not :(
Thanks everyone for your responses! No word yet (I haven't tried the RSPCA yet - I think my mum may have called them but I'll double check)

I made a special submission on the internet with a picture of Cory... This is the link for Queensland

RSPCA QLD - Public Interactive

I can't find anything similar for NSW...

Hope you find him soon... Thinking of you...

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