Loosing color?


New member
Sep 13, 2024
Budgie- BooWoo
Cockatiel- Scooter
Hi guys! My almost 3 month old cockatiel has been looking a little grey lately to me. As if he’s losing his pink undertones. I’m a little worried and I haven’t seen a lot out there. First picture is his normal pink beak and second is from today where he looks really grey.

I plan on taking him to the vet to get a new bird checkup soon but I’m wondering if I should take him asap.

He’s such a sweet boy but he has been my most challenging bird yet. I give him fresh veggies every morning, and he only would eat the corn so I stopped putting that in the mix, now he only eats the peas. Doesn’t touch the kale, carrots, broccoli, any fruit of any kind. He also doesn’t seem to be eating any of his pellets ( I leave a full bowl of roudy bush crmbs in there at all times)

I’m scared he’s not eating enough so I do give him 1/2 tbs of seeds every two days.

I’m worried I’m under feeding him but he has plenty in there he just doesn’t eat anything except for the peas or corn which I know is not an all around good diet if that’s all he’s eating.

Any advice would be great. He doesn’t seem to be acting any different but he also has some behavioral things that I’m trying to break as well, so the “normal” chirpy playing bird is not really his personality I’ve noticed and it’s hard to determine if he’s not acting like a “healthy” bird given he has severe separation anxiety and just sits there and screams until I take him out. I do find some of his shredded toys on the ground after I get home from work so I do think he plays with them while I’m gone but I don’t ever see him play with them.
At 3 months, he is going to go thru a lot of changes until he reaches adulthood. He is going to go thru a fairly big molt as he gets in adolescent feathering and then there is puberty, where they just lose their minds! Be patient and then more patience.

It took more then a year before my amazon decided to recognize pellets as food, offering it every day! We feed him frozen 18-20 ingredient chop, nuked to about 105degF and crumble up a few Nutraberries to absorb excess water. THat way he gets some pellet input there too.

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