Yes, in January, I'll be traveling 3 hours away to a veterinary university where they have a 3D printer, and it is there that he will be fitted with a prosthetic. I'm excited but nervous at the same time since it'll be the first time he's been in a car for that long, and it'll be cold. We'll also have to book a hotel for a few days, so I have to get him a travel carrier for that.
That is so wonderful! I should have known it would be a 3D printer advancement; how cool. Keep us posted, along your journey, if you can; it'll be really educational.
I'd be overcautious, too, if I were traveling and stuff, but I think you're going to do well.
Thank you so much for the clips, too!
I love the little guy. He has such a sweet baby voice

I can def'ly hear what they called the squeaky door sound, but that must be their call in the wild, no? You can tell in your clips that his feathers are Vasa brown, instead of dark grey, like they seem to photograph in a lot of the pics and clips out there. He reminds me of a tiny eagle, with his feathers and his long neck.
This little guy deserves a good life now, and Im so happy to hear how dedicated you are to him. He seems to have a pretty good disposition, even though he had a rough break. He was not having any of the "Let's shake on it," though. I was cracking up; my mom used to say that exact same thing, when she was trying to make friends with a fussy baby or strange animal. It's a risky proposition, at best ;p