Looking to adopt macaw or cockatoo


New member
May 2, 2016
I have owned a Hahns macaw and also a sulphur crested cockatoo.
I am looking to take in an macaw or cockatoo that can no longer be kept. I know there are many adoption centers in Tennessee as well as breeders but I would like to help someone who love their bird dearly and wants to assure it will go to a non re sell or breed forever loving home. I take no interest in reselling or breeding I just want another bird to give my undivided attention and love to. My husband works and I'm home alone so I would be with them constantly. We make enough to have vet checks and everything else they will need. I am located in Tennessee. I also have experience with cockatoos and have room to take in one as well. Thank you. :)
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Hi there, and welcome to the forums. :)

Please take the time and read through the forum rules I sent you. Your email address has been removed. We NEVER allow email addresses and/or phone numbers to be openly displayed on the forum - for your own protection. We have thousands of 'guests' frequenting the forum, and I'm sure you wouldn't want the spammers and scammers to start bothering you straight away. ;)

Good luck in your search of a macaw and/or cockatoo. How much are you willing to pay for an adoption fee?
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I am willing to pay what it takes but I've talked to many people that were wanting to give theirs away instead of making money off of their bird so that I could save money to buy all the essentials needed to properly care for. When I got my first two large birds someone couldn't keep them and gave them to me because she knew they would be wel taken care of by my family. Thank you for the removing of email I didn't know if that would be safe or not. Thanks for the feedback. :)
My suggestion to you is look on Craigslist in your area . I believe they are the "True rescue" :) I have gotten a lot of my birds off of there. Its seems what I come across is birds that were loved and a big deal at one time. Become not such a big deal ,the lack of attention starts problems the owners . Do not want to deal with anymore. I believe birds do have a memory and can go back to the way they were. I have had good luck with my birds [just might take awhile ] Good Luck
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Yes I've noticed that as well. I recently went to a pet store to see about getting one from there. Poor birds are never let out of their cages and are super aggressive, pulling out feathers and such. It's sad. Many people get them and just stop wanting to give the attention needed. I don't understand how you could grow bored of such beautiful creatures. When there are people who would love to have and love that bird. I've checked there a few times so far no luck. Thank you for the suggestion. :)
I am willing to pay what it takes but I've talked to many people that were wanting to give theirs away instead of making money off of their bird so that I could save money to buy all the essentials needed to properly care for. When I got my first two large birds someone couldn't keep them and gave them to me because she knew they would be wel taken care of by my family. Thank you for the removing of email I didn't know if that would be safe or not. Thanks for the feedback. :)

Where are those birds now ?

Most people don't consider it making money off birds. They see it as you making a good faith toward taking care of one and being able to afford it without having to save up for essentials . But then again maybe one of those people will be kind enough just to give you one so you don't have to search forums.

I don't know of anyone that will just give a Parrot for free to someone not knowing them.
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I'm not here for confrontation. Everyone has a different opinion. As I said before I am willing to pay whatever is needed. The first two birds I got were free as the woman didn't have time for them and didn't want money from them. Everyone views it differently. I have the money to buy one that's not an issue. But once again everyone has different views. Some won't give away for free and I don't blame them. But it does happen. I'm keeping my options open.
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And those birds were returned to their owner because she was "heartbroken" without them. I told her when I received them if her schedule changed and she wanted them back I wouldn't be the one to keep them from her. I'm not searching forums just thought I'd put it out there while I'm on here learning and discussing. I'm not wanting rude comments and assumptions. I didn't know that this site was that type.
You never know [keep searching :)] . It has to be hard when you hear about all these birds that need homes in rescues [especially Toos] . I dont have them near me.
That was very kind of you to return her birds to her, I can only imagine how grateful she was.
Good luck on your search, so many of our birds have come from Kijiji Ads (Canada's CL).
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Also if you read throughly you can see I said we have income and plenty enough to provide for one. But saving up money is always a plus when having a bird in case of emergencies and such. So thanks for the feedback.
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She was very grateful. It was a very good learning experience. She even said she wouldn't ask money for them as she knew me and my mother had completely good intentions and while she was busy trying to help her husband with personal issues and work issues she didn't have time for them. So we took them in for awhile until she got everything she needed to be worked out. She was also having trouble getting them to come out of their cage and needed them to be checked by the vet so we helped her with that as well. She was super surprised to see them come out of their cage and be friendly. As they weren't before. :)
And those birds were returned to their owner because she was "heartbroken" without them. I told her when I received them if her schedule changed and she wanted them back I wouldn't be the one to keep them from her. I'm not searching forums just thought I'd put it out there while I'm on here learning and discussing. I'm not wanting rude comments and assumptions. I didn't know that this site was that type.

No one gave you rude comments. And Not sure what you mean by That type of site. If you mean one that looks out for people trying to be honest in placing there bird up for adoption Yup that/s the type of site we are. If you think its a site that hates flippers Yup that's us.
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I've talked to many adoption places and I have people looking out for some for me. I am aware of the fees needed. Just keeping my options open. :)
And those birds were returned to their owner because she was "heartbroken" without them. I told her when I received them if her schedule changed and she wanted them back I wouldn't be the one to keep them from her. I'm not searching forums just thought I'd put it out there while I'm on here learning and discussing. I'm not wanting rude comments and assumptions. I didn't know that this site was that type.

No one gave you rude comments. And Not sure what you mean by That type of site. If you mean one that looks out for people trying to be honest in placing there bird up for adoption Yup that/s the type of site we are. If you think its a site that hates flippers Yup that's us.

Ok well have a good day and good luck to you on your free endeavor
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I don't "flip" birds. I have no intention to. I wouldn't waste my time looking for one just to sell it. I don't believe in flipping animals. I work with Best Friends Sanchuary volunteering to help animals not be flipped. I'm aware people do such thing but I do not.
I don't "flip" birds. I have no intention to. I wouldn't waste my time looking for one just to sell it. I don't believe in flipping animals. I work with Best Friends Sanchuary volunteering to help animals not be flipped. I'm aware people do such thing but I do not.

I just read back. I never said you did. Did I ?
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"If you think it's a site that hates flippers that's us" not a direct but obvious. Thank you for the feedback. I'm not here for arguing. :)
Also if you read throughly you can see I said we have income and plenty enough to provide for one. But saving up money is always a plus when having a bird in case of emergencies and such. So thanks for the feedback.

Perhaps we should clarify some things :)

Whenever a new person signs up, and the first post of the 'new member' is under a thread where a big bird, little bird, any bird is in need of re-homing, alarm bells go off.

We all love our birds. AND we all love other peoples' birds as well. :) We ALWAYS want what's in the best interest of the bird(s) in question.

So please pardon us, when we're a bit on edge when someone (brand new, who's not an active participant - hence we know nothing about 'said' person) is posting an ad looking for an EXPENSIVE bird for free (more or less). I'm sure you can see where I'm going....

Nobody means any harm. Like I said, we ONLY have the birds best interest at heart.

And Chris is right. There aren't many (responsible) big mac or cockatoo owners who are looking to rehome their bird for FREE. Please note the word 'responsible'. :)

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