Looking into a senior budgie.

I hope it's just a boarding situation...
If frustrating. We can only do so much. I’m 13 too and it breaks my heart when I see people treating their pets horribly. Of all places why petsmart. Everything will work out.
I hope so. We're hoping to pick her up tomorrow.
Exiting! I will send wishes and hope everything goes as planned!
Yay! I actually emailed the rescue to see if she's boarding or being sold freely, and I REALLY hope it's the first one.
I’m happy for you! Hopefully it the result you want!!
Same here...
The rescue ghosted me when it found out I was a minor (red flag) and I don't think they care about her that much...
. I really want to take her in and give her the best final moments a budgie could ever have.
At 7 years old, she could get to 14 or so, so she's middle aged. 😜You might have her for a good long while! Kudos for trying to adopt . My budgies were throwaway pets too. I hope you get her. I had budgies as a teen and they were happy.
Same here...
The rescue ghosted me when it found out I was a minor (red flag) and I don't think they care about her that much...
Also, just wanted to mention that there are many many budgies looking for homes on craigslist and Kijiji. Some may be older and take a, while to train but it's still doable, as I'm learning first hand. So don't give up on an older budge.
Also, just wanted to mention that there are many many budgies looking for homes on craigslist and Kijiji. Some may be older and take a, while to train but it's still doable, as I'm learning first hand. So don't give up on an older budge.
Same here, but on Craigslist in VT, you almost never find budgies, and when you do, they're all inbred budgies that a filthy breeder is charging a crazy price for.
At 7 years old, she could get to 14 or so, so she's middle aged. 😜You might have her for a good long while! Kudos for trying to adopt . My budgies were throwaway pets too. I hope you get her. I had budgies as a teen and they were happy.
Thanks! I'm not worried about taming her or anything (I'm experienced in budgies), just worried that she'll get bought at PetSmart before I can get her...stupid rescue. I'm hoping her deformed cere scares off impulse buyers, though.
Guys, they gave her to PetSmart to adopt out because she's 'unreasonable'.
Damn, I hate this rescue, I'm hoping to reserve her then pick her up today/tomorrow.
LuLu is set aside for us! We're going to pick her up now! OMG, this is surreal, I can't wait for her to finally be loved!
It is a 4 hour drive though.....
She'll finally be safe
I'm crying, she's been rejected even by the rescue who swore to protect her, and now she's safe
First rescue ever, I'm so privileged to be able to do this!
Congrats! I'm so happy for you! Thank you for giving this beautiful girl a second chance ❤️

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