Looking for tips to keep a cage dust-free


Mar 4, 2018
Washington State
Nico - male Turquoise GCC
Turns out Nico had yet another episode of inflamed sinuses, and Iā€™m concerned that his cage is really dusty. Since his first sinus infection Iā€™ve been changing his poop papers pretty religiously, got an air purifier, and vacuumed his cage area more often. However, I realized that there are little books and crannies in his cage (corners, bars, rope perches) that need daily maintenance as well. Taking apart his cage entirely or hosing it off outside frequently isnā€™t very realistic at the moment (I live in an apartment and taking apart his heavy cage takes quite a while) so Iā€™m looking for tips on ways to maintain a dust-free environment on a daily basis. Iā€™ve been using paper towels to dust his cage, but more effective tools would be great. Iā€™m also on the hunt for dusty spots that Iā€™ve been overlooking, so Iā€™m open to suggestions on spots to watch out for.
Sorry to hear this.

I was going to suggest bringing the cage outside to hose it down. So, if this is not an option as you stated. Why not just wipe the entire cage down everyday with a damp cloth when he is out and about?

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