Looking for blender to pulverize dry pellets

I have a ninja, but personally I would use a food processor. I have the big ninja though, the smaller ninja might work better. I use the food processor when making Rosie's chob mix and it only take a few two second pulses to turned chopped veggies into finely chopped veggies perfect for her chop mix, any longer and they turn into mush. My mom uses the food processor when making pastries, she turns almonds into a fine powder. We have the old Cuisinart brand food processor that still works like it's brand new.

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Does anyone have any idea for a product that I can use to pulverize my pellets into a fine powder?

I would use a herb/spice/coffee grinder. They are small, quick to use, and exceptionally easy to clean.

They're also very cheap. ;)
Does anyone have any idea for a product that I can use to pulverize my pellets into a fine powder?

I would use a herb/spice/coffee grinder. They are small, quick to use, and exceptionally easy to clean.

They're also very cheap. ;)


I have a small Krupps grinder....if you want a fine powder this is the answer, and as Grenage said, they are cheap. I use mine for esspresso, but I'm sure it would do the same to pellets as it does to coffee beans. :)
Ahh, the Ninja is awesome! It chopped my pellets perfectly for some birds 'salad' I was making yesterday , and it turned them into powder in just seconds for birds bread. :)
I think a magic bullet blender would work for you also.
While I am deciding on the food processor I am going to try to use my coffee grinder. One year for Christmas I actually got two of them. I can use the extra one for the pellets..

Thanks for the idea!!
I happen to have the Ninja and I absolutely LOVE IT! It comes in SO handy for SO many applications. :D
You might also want to try a coffee grinder. I use that the grind up flax seen to sprinkle on Neytiri's food.
Wonder if a coffee grinder would work for you. Not very expensive.
Haha whoops!! Guess I should have read ALL the replies before I posted mine! Sorry! :09:
If no one had mentioned a coffee grinder, I, too, would have! LOL

I've used a coffee grinder to grind small pellets into powder, mix with seeds and add a small amount of water so it was 'sticky' and I could make into 'cakes' or little 'seed' balls.

After that suggestion would have been a food processor as well.

What about mixing things up for Valentino and occasionally offering steamed vegetables? Easy to steam up a quarter of a sweet potato, some diced carrots, broccoli, etc. Steam until soft, then mash it all together and you have a warm, mushy food that's healthy! Heck, you could even occasionally mix in some almond butter or something like that and feed it off of a spoon!

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