Looking For a New Bird/Parrot


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Jun 5, 2010
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I'm wanting to get a new bird/parrot that is very personable but I'm only able to afford a bird that is at the most $200.

What kind of bird/parrot would you recommend that is very personable and in my price range?

I already have cockatiels but they aren't very personable because I made the mistake of getting a pair and they bonded with each other instead of me (but they're still pretty sweet birds...especially when they want something :rolleyes:). Right now I'm looking at getting a parrotlet but I'm still looking for other suggestions just in case I can't find any parrotlet breeders.
Please check out adoption. There are hundreds of homeless birds out there. Phoenix Landing and Gabrial foundations are two of the better ones.
I found the "The Association for Parrot C.A.R.E." which is in LA and that's only a couple hours from where I live. Maybe I'll try and go there in the next few weeks so I can see what they have up for adoption. To bad they don't have any pictures of what they have up for adoption on their website.

I found the "The Association for Parrot C.A.R.E." which is in LA and that's only a couple hours from where I live. Maybe I'll try and go there in the next few weeks so I can see what they have up for adoption. To bad they don't have any pictures of what they have up for adoption on their website.

I reckon the reason they don't have pictures on the website is : :rolleyes:



Besides the above reason, there are so many of them.
I'm going to try and go there Wednesday but if I'm not able to go on Wednesday I'll probably be able to go in three weeks.
Good luck with the trip to the rescue. I agree that that's the best way to go.
It's good that you're going to try a rescue first, that's one of the best ways to go. As ar as birds, I would reccomend a cockatiel, parrotlet, lovebird, princess parrot, or a rosella. Rosellas and princess parrots are generally more expensive, therefore rarer. I actually doubt you'll find one at the rescue.

Happy hunting!

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