Looking for a Conure That Can Handle Colder/Cooler Temperature - Possible?


Jun 15, 2022
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Hello, I live Canada, Toronto, and I have done indoor/outdoor free (90% indoor) flight with my multi-flock (Abyssinian Lovebird, Monk Parakeet & Indian-Ring Neck), and I have always wanted a Conure, except I know they are one of the more tropical parrots.

My birds are housed indoors in their cages, but their indoor-balcony flight room which they spend 50% of their time on is on cooler side (not freezing as I do provide portable heating). Almost of all my 3 birds kind of like the cold and two even bathe under 10 degrees Celsius weather. My concern is that I want a bird that can potentially tolerate colder/below freezing potentially for a few hours (like 5 maximum) in case there is a power failure and heating fails. I also do large indoor free flights mainly, and sometimes these spaces are not warm (not freezing but cold).

I have heard Patagonian Conures, and maybe Fiery Shoulder Conures, that live in Montane Forests that are more elevated may potentially be suitable to join my flock of more cold-tolerant flock - what do you think? Really would like to have a conure, but this stops me...

Thoughts? Thank you in advanced!
Hi! I just wrote you a DM about more than you may really want to know about my own beloved Patagonian. Yes, they are cold-tolerant, since they are native to... well... Patagonia. In fact, they're illegal in some states due to their ability to brave the cold and reproduce if they escape captivity.
I have been reading and researching Patagonians for my bird's lifetime (40 years!) and I'd love to follow your journey.

I'm so glad you're here!
Parrots are surprisingly resilient when it comes to just temperature. Over time their under down gets thicker and fluffier. Even in the Amazon, during winter nighttime rain storms the temps dip pretty low! Its low temp AND a draft thats a killer for them. If you got a conure say mid summer, by late fall those down feathers will be thick and abundant, and they will be able to sustain lower temps.
What Wrenchi
Parrots are surprisingly resilient when it comes to just temperature. Over time their under down gets thicker and fluffier. Even in the Amazon, during winter nighttime rain storms the temps dip pretty low! Its low temp AND a draft thats a killer for them. If you got a conure say mid summer, by late fall those down feathers will be thick and abundant, and they will be able to sustain lower temps.

What Wrenchie said!

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