Look what I ran into.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Nike a Hawk Head Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
I've been on the road for business most of the last month and a half and yesterday I was really missing Niuke so I decided to visit a local pet store here in San Diego. I ended up a BirdSmart. It has been a while since I'd been in a store with lots of parrots and their selection of everything from finches to Macaws made me realize just how tiny Nike really is. Most of teh conures were larger than Nike.

Anyway, this guy was walking around on the floor because he wouldn't stay on his perch. He is bred in the US by someone the folks at the store said was the only US breeder of them...don't remember the name. This guy was very friendly and as you can see in the photo of him on the floor that he has something wrong with his left leg/foot.

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So did you add this little guy to your Flock? They can be great little birds, we've had a couple come through the Rescue over the years, though most of them were very wild...
Gorgeous! I can’t imagine trying to keep one though. You’d need a lot of space!

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Hehehe, no, I only want a larger flock in my head. I will not risk my relationship with Nike by getting another bird....and hawkheads are very territorial anyway....at least that's what I tell myself. They had a very friendly and adorable red fronted macaw that was tearing at my heart though.

But you know, Nike is just so good and quiet by comparison.

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Nice toucan. I care for one that came in wildlife rescue years ago, but deal with raptors, so no big deal for me, I would not recommend for general customers, that would come in a pet store. Shock a pet store would have one? That pet store will have a extremely hard time finding a buyer as they are not easy to care for and have strict diet and environment requirements.
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Gorgeous! I can’t imagine trying to keep one though. You’d need a lot of space!

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A large room :D
And, they can aim and hit what they are aiming at with their poo! You are so correct regarding a large room.
Had to go back and double look at the foot. After all, it is so easy to become locked into that bill.
Oooooooh-weeee, thanks for those photos, Bill. Breath-taking.

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