I received his results. I'll paste them here..some say low/some say high. Not sure really what they mean.
Body score : 3/5, Bon,
Comportement : Alerte, slightly timid but warms up if taken slowly
Condition : Bon,
Cardiovascular: no murmur, no arrythmia, pink mucous membranes, CRT normal
Respiratory: nares clean, choanes normal, auscultation normal, fast recuperation after manipulations
Digestive: large quantity of clear mucus in oral cavity, choanal papilla normal, no ulcers, wound or foreign body noted in oral cavity, no
mucus coming directly from tracheal opening, crop normal, coelomic palpation normal, cloacal region normal
Uro-genital: normal
Musculoskeletal: normal
Eyes: normal
Ears: normal
Integument: approximately20% of feathers with black spotting, feathers have a clean outline, no signs of plucking or over-preaning
Overproduction of mucus: crop/oral cavity infection, tritrichomonas, respiratory infection, foreign body not seen on exam
Black feathers: hypovitaminosis A, liver disease
[ PLAN ]
Recommandation: CAP to establish baseline and differentiate digestive vs respiratory disease for the mucus. Owners agree.
Results of gram:
- Crop: small rods in large clumps gram+ 2+, no yeast, no gram-, epithelial cells 2+, gel artefact 1+
- Stools: mixed population of gram+ rods, no gram-, no yeast, epithelial cells 2+
- Interpretation: bacterial ingluvitis
(VD view) trachea normal; cardiohepatic silhouette normal; thoraco-abdominal air sacs system normal; pulmonary symetry normal;
skeletal system normal; crop normal; ventriculus normal; intestinal loops normal. (Lateral view) trachea normal; syrinx normal;
pulmonary texture normal; pulmonary caudal margin normal; thoraco-abdominal airsac system, but the division between cranial and
caudal is very prominent; heart normal; liver normal; spleen normal; kidneys normal; testicles normal; thoracic esophagus normal;
proventriculus normal; ventriculus normal; intestinal loops normal.
Interpretation: Soft tissue opacity between air sacs most probably individual variation of ligament in that region
Start treatment for ingluvitis while waiting for further results. GB will look up specific diet for Eclectus and see if we can improve on it.
Jasper already ate Tropican pellets and Lafeber for us during the visit. Continue good work with training.
Traitement: Aventiclav @125mg/kg PO q12h x 14 jours, vinaigre de cidre de pomme dans l'eau x 14 jours, réévaluation avant la fin
des traitements. GB.
[ LIBR ] 05/09/15 5:34 PM GB - Eclectus CBC/Bcm (juvenile values)
PCV: 44 % (37-52)
Total protein: 32 g/L (24-34)
Total white blood cells: 7,431 (7,400-20,000)
Hétérophiles: 32 % (42-65), abs 2,378 LOW
Lymphocytes: 60 % (28-51), abs 4,458 HIGH
Monocytes: 4 %, (2.3-7.7), abs 297
Eosinophiles: 4 %, (0-0.4), abs 297 HIGH
Basophiles: 0 %, (0-2), abs 0
Cellular morphology: Normal
Interpretation=> Mild changes, most likely individual variation
Total protein 28 g/L (24-34)
Albumin 11 g/L (10-16)
Globulin 17 g/L (12-18)
Bile acids 7.7 μmol/L (30-110) LOW
AST 198 U/L (80-198)
CK 289 U/L (144-1,088)
Amylase 616 U/L (562-684)
Glucose 15.1 mmol/L (12.7-15.3)
Uric acid 390 μmol/L (24-387) HIGH
Calcium 2.01 mmol/L (2.2-2.4) LOW
Cholesterol 4.5 mmol/L (4.9-9.0) LOW
Triglycerides 1.23 mmol/L (0.77-4.51)
Hemolysis: +
Lipemia: normal
Interpretation: Decrease bile acids non significative (individual variation), very mild increase in uric acid (individual variation, non
significative), mild hypocalcemia (individual variation, lack of calcium in diet), mild hypocholesterolemia (individual variation, young age)
05/14/15 11:39 AM GB- Choanal culture:
Heavy growth of normal choanal flora
Light growth of Enterobacter cloacae
- Resistant: Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, cefalexin, cefpodoxime
- Intermediate: Spectinomycin
- Sensitive: Amikacin, cefovecin, ceftiofur, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem,
marbofloxacin, piperacillin, tetracycline, tobramcycine, TMS
05/14/15 2:29 PM GB- Cloacal Culture:
Moderate growth of normal gram positive flora / No Salmonella, Shigella or Campylobacter
Plan: diet change especially with low calcium
If anyone is used to reading these types of results I would appreciate your opinion.