Leucistic Crow in West Seattle


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
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Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
The photos in this post are by Jerry Simmons, a West Seattle native who takes some really great photos (and runs a local plumbing business). I found them on our neighborhood Facebook page, and thought it was so cool I had to share! You can find him @jerrysimmons on instagram!

Apparently this fella (or gal, I don’t think crows are sexually dimorphic?) is part of a multigenerational family of crows around a local park that frequently produce odd-plumaged birds. They’re gorgeous!



Bird looks like it's a chocolate colored. very unusual.

Before I retired I made friends with a crow family that lived on the plant sight.
They were very good at recognizing me.
Started by feeding them leftovers from my lunch.
I gradually started brining in bread just for them and when I was walking in the birds would fly over me so I could not miss the fact that they wanted me to give them food.
Crows are commonly underestimated regarding their intelligence. We have long had extended family members at our cabin and they all will stop by when we are there. Especially the younger ones. In the Winter, our Crows migrate further South and are commonly replace with Arctic Ravens, which are notably larger, but far less interested in Human contact.

Our local crows are a bright shinny black. Very interesting crows you have in your area, as their plumage is clearly different.
This is utterly fascinating! I’ve seen partial leucism, very pale leucism, and I’ve seen albinism, but I have never seen a leucistic crow that looks like this! It’s quite the natural marvel! jerry is are very lucky to have seen something like this! What a gem!
The photos in this post are by Jerry Simmons, a West Seattle native who takes some really great photos (and runs a local plumbing business). I found them on our neighborhood Facebook page, and thought it was so cool I had to share! You can find him @jerrysimmons on instagram!

Apparently this fella (or gal, I don’t think crows are sexually dimorphic?) is part of a multigenerational family of crows around a local park that frequently produce odd-plumaged birds. They’re gorgeous!

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I wonder- Do blonde crows have more fun?
Our crows are all bright, glossy black! It is so common that a Blonde crow would likely be seen as a totally different species.

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