Let us now sing songs of Gail

He starts to scream with the morning light
His momma says when you gonna live your life right?
Oh Auntie Gail you aint the fortunate one
Cause birds, they wanna have fun
Rickeybird just wants to have fun!

The phone rings in the middle of it all
His daddy’s never gonna hear a single word of that call
Oh Rival Dear you’re not the fortunate one
Cause birds just wanna have fun,
Rickeybird just wants to have run!

Some people take a beautiful bird
and hide him away where the screams can’t be heard
Oh PF folks ain’t you the fortunate ones?
Rickey Bird’s got us all on the run,
Auntie Gail’s gonna post all the fun!

Can I even say it again...??????????
This is the best everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Kentuckienne... you are astounding. Hell, yeah, birds just wanna have...
control power dominion obedience reverence everything everything everything...
The Rickeybird sounds a lot like my Quakers. I mean, similar pitch and timbre.

I wonder if Patagonian conures and burrowing Quaker parakeets co-occur?

I have heard that Patties are big sweeties but that’s not what I am “getting” about the Rickeybird. Maybe because he’s a crabby old man?

Look what came in the mail! A custom portrait, painted by Herself! I ordered it from her eBay website (galleria gila’s custom pet portraits) because who wouldn’t want a great portrait of their pet? She’s already done Gus and Coco, so I asked for a painting of Gail and the Rickeybird. This image is from 1984, when the two of them met, and I like to pretend that we knew one another back then too, and make up adventures that we could have had, to make up for lost time.

In this picture, I took so long to set up the camera that Rickey noticed Gail’s earring. More accurately, he noticed that she had an earring and he did not, so he adjusted the world to balance everything out.

Ain’t it beautiful! I gotta find a good 1984 song to plagiarize…
The Rickeybird sounds a lot like my Quakers. I mean, similar pitch and timbre.

I wonder if Patagonian conures and burrowing Quaker parakeets co-occur?

I have heard that Patties are big sweeties but that’s not what I am “getting” about the Rickeybird. Maybe because he’s a crabby old man?
Quakers and Patagonians are the two parrots banned from New Jersey, home of my fave bird store, MY SAFE BIRD STORE... apparently because they are the only species thought capable of forming wild populations in the harsh conditions. Anyway, that's what the bird store people tell me.
Patis as sweeties? Consensus based on my research, my vet's opinions...
They're all darlings before sexual maturity at 3-4 years. After that, the hens stay sweet; the roosters become stinkers. Good behavior management can handle this, but alas, I am a pitiful pushover, and so... we have... The Rb!
Quakers and Patagonians are the two parrots banned from New Jersey, home of my fave bird store, MY SAFE BIRD STORE... apparently because they are the only species thought capable of forming wild populations in the harsh conditions. Anyway, that's what the bird store people tell me.
Patis as sweeties? Consensus based on my research, my vet's opinions...
They're all darlings before sexual maturity at 3-4 years. After that, the hens stay sweet; the roosters become stinkers. Good behavior management can handle this, but alas, I am a pitiful pushover, and so... we have... The Rb!

Long live the Roosters!! RB Forever!! After all, someone has to Rule!! ...and keep the Rum supply lines open!! Who wants to live in New Jersey in the heat of the Summer anyway, right??
Long live the Roosters!! RB Forever!! After all, someone has to Rule!! ...and keep the Rum supply lines open!! Who wants to live in New Jersey in the heat of the Summer anyway, right
Rocky Horror Parrot Show... cue it up...

"He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise
He had a pickup truck and the devil's eyes
He stared at me and I felt a change
Time meant nothing, never would again!"

Boatsie... pick Kentuckienne and Heather (and everybody else) up on the way to the party.
Let's do the Forums Warp again.
We can spend a happy Eternity right here. Hey, by my count, we're already on Warp # 342.
But, hark:

Let us now sing a song of Rival,
On who the RB depends for survival
While Ms Gail does take
a break at the Lake
He hath "The patience of Job" ( from the Bible)
EGADSZSZSZSZSZS, this situation has made a BARD of the PIRATE!
I must lie down for a few... days...

Al, thank you for showing us your civilized side.
But, hark:

Let us now sing a song of Rival,
On who the RB depends for survival
While Ms Gail does take
a break at the Lake
He hath "The patience of Job" ( from the Bible)
But … you didn’t make it all piratey.
And the opening for “arrr-Bird“ was big enough to drive a pickup truck through, with or without the devil’s eyes
But … you didn’t make it all piratey.
And the opening for “arrr-Bird“ was big enough to drive a pickup truck through, with or without the devil’s eyes
Likely to allow late day /evening, questionable, drunken flight and still keep it between the pilasters with an F450. Plus, if the Pirate flag was flying...
Hey, lookie here, I think that The Wrench has clearly shown that he has many facets to his personality. Any man who can rhyme like that is clearly a chick magnet. Boats has also busted some worthy poetic passages, too, indeed.

Okay, I am a simple man and I get confused when too many multi-syllabic words start floating around. So there has been some portrait-painting, eh? A picture being worth a thousand rhymes, or something like that? Well let me take a page from that sketchbook and set the record straight.

I give you... SELF PORTRAIT


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