Let the training Begin


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Hull, UK
Cairo - 3 month old Senegal
so yesterday i started training she knows step up and step down perfectly does it straight away when asked, as she is fully flighted i thought i would start flight recall training. And after 4 1 hour sessions of that 9/10 times she will come when called.

Been great since i got her as i have only had her one week, not looked back best thing i have ever done.

and here are some better pics of her



She's gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that you to are enjoying each other. It is always a good idea to train recall training if you have a fully flighted bird. I'm working on that with Lulu ;). The only thing that I think you should adjust, is the time on each training session. 1 hour sounds waaay too much to me. Keep it short and fun. 5-12 minutes would go and then do it more frequently :).
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She's gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that you to are enjoying each other. It is always a good idea to train recall training if you have a fully flighted bird. I'm working on that with Lulu ;). The only thing that I think you should adjust, is the time on each training session. 1 hour sounds waaay too much to me. Keep it short and fun. 5-12 minutes would go and then do it more frequently :).

sorry dumb moment dont know why i put one hour it is like 15 mins at a time, then she gets play and destroy everything time after that,
Your bird is lovely
Give the bird time to settle in, and adjust to everything that is strange and new around him.
1 hour, at that young age is far too much. Take baby steps, perhaps rather begin by just playing and adding in the training at a very slow pace.
She's gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that you to are enjoying each other. It is always a good idea to train recall training if you have a fully flighted bird. I'm working on that with Lulu ;). The only thing that I think you should adjust, is the time on each training session. 1 hour sounds waaay too much to me. Keep it short and fun. 5-12 minutes would go and then do it more frequently :).

sorry dumb moment dont know why i put one hour it is like 15 mins at a time, then she gets play and destroy everything time after that,

That sounds better, I was really worried there :eek:
Also keep in mind, it's in a bird nature to chew and destroy whatever comes their way.
She's gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that you to are enjoying each other. It is always a good idea to train recall training if you have a fully flighted bird. I'm working on that with Lulu ;). The only thing that I think you should adjust, is the time on each training session. 1 hour sounds waaay too much to me. Keep it short and fun. 5-12 minutes would go and then do it more frequently :).

sorry dumb moment dont know why i put one hour it is like 15 mins at a time, then she gets play and destroy everything time after that,

That sounds much better! ;)
awww welcome an i lurve sene's! and she is soooo cute :)

we never really needed to flight train our little nut, as this came rather natural for her, your little nut will follow you everywhere, whats her name??
you really need to so******e her as well, let her know who else is in the house hold etc, this way if there is an occassion when you need her to be let out/fed by some1 else, she will not be too stressed by it

be on the look out for challenging behaviour ;) and as for playin with you, these birds do it with style! nut lurves to nip (not hard? depends on her mood) an un suspecting toe or elbow! my nut is a biter, but we all know her triggers (except my son who thinks he can charm her lol)

just notice where your located :) just down the road from me :)
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awww welcome an i lurve sene's! and she is soooo cute :)

we never really needed to flight train our little nut, as this came rather natural for her, your little nut will follow you everywhere, whats her name??
you really need to so******e her as well, let her know who else is in the house hold etc, this way if there is an occassion when you need her to be let out/fed by some1 else, she will not be too stressed by it

be on the look out for challenging behaviour ;) and as for playin with you, these birds do it with style! nut lurves to nip (not hard? depends on her mood) an un suspecting toe or elbow! my nut is a biter, but we all know her triggers (except my son who thinks he can charm her lol)

just notice where your located :) just down the road from me :)

her names Cairo, and she loves to nip aswell but she has sunk her beak in a few times aswell. She gets around everyone in the house as so as i let her out where everybody else is that's it, no longer interested in me it is what everyone else is doing.
lol now is the best time to train her that biting is not a thing to do! a firm no bite should do for now, as she is young an testing her beak :)

ground rules set out early, they seem to stick too :) later on, (unlike my nut who basically does as she pleases cause i let her run riot, but i had her from 2yr old)

for some unkown reason, nut loves to lick metal, you need to becareful of this if cairo (fab name) does this to, as things like curtain hooks, tie back hooks, zips, buttons etc basically any metal thats not 100% stainless steel can cause metal poisening

did you get her locally?? i really should not ask as i am playing with another bird idea lol
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yer as she has been biting if been saying no and she stops and looks up then sneaks in a little nibble. she doesnt seem to have a thing for metal, she is more interested in anything rope like and tv remotes (good job i have spares) and yes i got her locally i found a breeder in hull and i went to see her and bought her there and then
awww yup seein them is a killer! even for those that really don't do animals! (like me!!)

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