Leg band


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Valdosta Georgia
African Grey named Buddy and Marty
re-homed from rescues both are about 5 years old.
Can anyone know how to tell if a leg band is from a quarantine or a breeder?

Does anyone have pics of the two? some one saw a picture of Baby and said the band looks like a quarantine band. Making her much older than I was told.
I love her just the same but would like to know.

Thanks for any help,

Some people do not realize that not all open bands mean that the bird was wild caught. Someone just made the same comment on a picture of a bird at a local rescue and it sparked quite the conversation. Some people will put an open band on an adult bird for different reasons, it just means that the band wasn't put on as a baby. I have had nine parrots in my lifetime and our new conure is the first one that has had a band and all 9 were captive bred.
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The band seems to be solid I can't find where it separates but it seems there is not any words or numbers on it. Its just plain solid.
I too have read about people putting open bands on domestic bred parrots, but it is few and far between. They are mostly found on wild caught parrots. Mine was a wild caught parrot. That I know for sure.
If it's a closed band you can be pretty sure that your bird was captive bred. Closed bands can only be put on during a fairly small window of opportunity while the bird is a baby and unless your grey was stolen from a wild nest and then illegally had a closed band put on, chances are she was captive bred :) It is also possible that the inscription just wore off. How old do you believe her to be? After many years of wear the bands tend to get worn down, especially if the bird has been chewing on it.
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I was told shes 5 years old. she does play with the band a lot.

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