Here is my list of foods for Jolly and Maya, all fresh where applicable, and averaging 6-10 types per feeding: Carrots and pumpkin (One or both of these make it into at least one feeding every day since they are rich in beta carotene - the precursor to vitamin A and absolutely essential for eclectus health), bell peppers (red, yellow, orange and green), jalapeno peppers, Jamaican hot peppers, chili peppers, squash (butternut, green and yellow), blueberries, pomegranates, snap peas, plums, broccoli, cactus pears, starfruit, bananas, grapes, kale, turnips, radishes, brown rice, quinoa, cucumbers, endive, dandelion greens, sweet potato (cooked), dragon fruit, anise, star anise, various sprouts, chamomile flowers, rose hips, milk thistle, elder berries, hibiscus, bee pollen, red Swiss chard, granny smith apples, papaya (with seeds), African horned melon, corn (occasionally), hominy, kiwi, barley, calendula flowers, oatmeal (sans sugar or flavoring) chocho beans and garbonzo beans, as well as Volkman's Fancy Soak and Simmer for the majority of their legumes and grains. (All legumes are cooked) And maybe a tablespoon of seeds for a snack.
Once or twice a month, I'll also give some hard-boiled egg (with the crushed shell for calcium.) Slightly more frequently during a molt. And an assortment of unsalted nuts and the occasional millet spray for their treats.
Edit: Sprouts, dandelion greens and carrots are the most consistent offerings, as they are the most nutritionally dense, IMO.