Leg band help please


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Western Mountains of the U.S.
Conures, Lovebird, Meyer's, Senegal
I purchased a bird locally and am wondering about the leg band information. It is a closed band on my Senegal parrot and it reads CA RF exactly with the space inbetween the four letters. What does this information mean. I have looked and looked on the internet but cannot find anything near these letters.:green: The bird came to me second hand and the owner doesn' t know either.
It can mean anything there is no standard but normay it is recomended that the fotring should have a name of the breader and the birds birthday
Maybe he was bred in california? Not sure cause that little amount of info can almost mean anything really :/
Normally the leg band is more for the breeder to identify which pair the chick came from. For instance i have different colored bands for my birds with my initials & a number. So if i have 3 pairs of sun conures i have pink. blue & green rings i know which pair the chicks belong to. Also a good breeder that keeps records will know who bought that bird as it would be on file.
I am not a fan of leg bands. Leroy screams at his and chews at it.....on his next vet check, I am going to have it removed......
I have River's legband, but it's not on him. The breeder said she missed getting it on him. (they put it on when very young, but if they missed the window of time it's too late) His says LF 17 which is the breeders name and the number of baby born. (Rio's was on him and it said LF 10). I imgine it would be hard to find out what the band info means, because each breeder would have their own way of tagging their birds.
Sorry, mine has a number, 2 letters, band size and her year of birth. Seems my little girl was born in '02, rather than '07 like the last owners thought. There is a site that you can put in the code and they'll email back your birds information. I'll post it if I remember.
I kinda wish I kept Ricco's legband after he passed. But at the same time, I am glad I didn't. My vet doesn't like leg bands. And at his clinic, there is a $14 fee to have them removed if you wish.
Lucy's legband has writing all the way around it. SK 27 72 and I think there's another thing on there FL maybe? SK is the breeder, 27 72 are her parents ID numbers I think
My rainbow lorikeet has not leg band so i'm not sure if the owner really knows how old he is, or if he is really a he because I have read that the sex of lorikeets can only be checked with a DNA test, so how knows, we still love him regardless :)
When I bought Kito, we were told she was only four years. Now that we've looked up the band, it says she was born in '02, so she's actually nine years old. It would have been nice to know when we got her, but the last owners only had her two months, so I guess we can't fault them for knowing.

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