Learning on the fly :)


New member
Aug 13, 2012
Blue & Gold Macaw
Hello Everyone,

First off I would like to say how happy I am to be here... I was encourage by others to seek out this forum after recently adopting two 15 year old Blue and Gold Macaws. I'm sure I can skip over telling you have wonderful and amazing these creatures are. They are simply awesome! After researching for months, I decided I was ready to take the plunge and devote the rest of my life to these lovely two birds. (As these will be the only birds in my life, at least as far as I can see.) So, I always had a fascination about their intelligence, their strength, and of course their beauty. I never really imagined I would be here, posting a thread about being "owned" by a pair. ;) I brought my new friends into my home July 4th. The previous owner was very informative, honest, and helpful. They were a breeding pair in their old home, but never reproduced. The female actually laid two eggs in the cage on the 3rd and 4th day in my home. I absolutely love these birds. I can understand their feelings of insecurity, as they are now the center of attention and in the middle of my daily life, but they are warming up nicely. I have had some experiences that I felt a bit threatened lol, but we worked through it and respected each other. I am learning and am by far an expert on them. I welcome advice and information. I look forward to getting to know all of you!

Welcome to the forums glad to have you and your blue and gold macaws on board and are you planing on raising the chicks yourself also would love to see some pics of your fids :)
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From what I understand the eggs were always infertile. So there are no babies in my future, but that is okay with me. I just want to provide them a forever home.
You sound enthuised! You seem real devoted! Good luck!
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I am very excited... better than a child in a chocolate factory! And realistically I am very devoted to the long term commitment of providing these lovely babies a forever home to thrive. I have made more progress than I had expected and hope to continue in this direction. I realize the road before me will be long and interesting, but completely worth it. I'm "owned" and hoping they will accept me completely one day. For now I will cheerfully applaud the dancing entertainment and even the occasional shrieking. :)
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I was going to post a new thread, but couldn't decide where LOL I'm so stinking happy it's crazy! I have had my B&G's a little over a month, the road has been touchy, but we have made AMAZING progress! At first my biggest fear was failure... No one likes to fail, and well in short these guys don't deserve it, but I'm slowly adapting to being owned by these wonderful amazements! So On with it, right LOL,? I came in this morning and opened the door as I always do, with my cheerful hello good morning ritual. I try to keep things as predictable as possible. I constantly sit and talk to them, they are learning to trust me and feel confident I only wish to love them. Anyway... As I turn my back to them to prepare their dishes, I hear Kyle say the sweetest "hello... hello... I love you..." My heart melted! I adore them so much. I can't even begin to describe. As I fed them, I walked across the room and the chattering continued... He says "Hello" "I love you" Who's a pretty bird.. (Not as distinct but trying.. pretty bird is super clear) and What ya doing.. LOL I guess you can figure out what we talk about all the time. :)

I am over the hills happy! I just hope he will get closer to me as time goes on. Kayla will hang out on my arm, but Kyle isn't ready to step-up. I have read mixed reviews on pushing him and I simply refuse to. He will either trust me or I will wait. I have the rest of my life.. :)
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Today came my first real heartache since taking in my B&G Macaws. I had a friend over who wanted to meet them. Usually Kyle is vocal, but Kayla isn't. So as I was telling my friend how they came to me and the great love I have for them, Kyle leans his head to the side of the cage and this really sad voice said "bad bird" "shut up".... These are never things I would want him to hear, he has never spoken in front of anyone but me. It absolutely broke my heart. Tears rolling down my face all I could tell him was "you're not a bad bird... you're a beautiful bird"... I just can not understand how people can be so mean!
It sounds like these 2 are lucky to have found such a dedicated and caring owner. A wonderful story and it sounds like you'll all be very happy together
We all make mistakes but as long as you are calm, tender and respect your perrots they will forgive you. Good luck and welcome to this forum
Welcome aboard! I'd love to see pics when you find the time. Love your enthusiasm and can totally relate. I feel the same way about mine. :)
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So, I tried the whole picture thing.. HAHAHA Kyle is not a fan and will find a way to try and eat the camera. It seems to make him so uncomfortable and nervous. I tried using my phone, the tablet, even the camera on my laptop.. He shrieks and runs about daring me to come close LOL. I know what he is capable of and I would prefer to keep my fingers. I feel horrible that he is so afraid of everything. I added a new toy to his cage and he won't go near it... Any advice?
Take the toy out. Welcome to the forum. Birds that are bonded to each other usually don't like toys as much as single birds. Sure they still love to have things to chew but they don't play with toys like single birds do.Especially when laying eggs and having raging hormones. If you want to intro a new toy, place it in plain view near or maybe on the outside of the cage , depends on reaction. If they show interest then move it closer or in the cage.

Bonded pairs are very protective and may show resentment to you if one mate interacts with you too closely. You will find there are times when you should leave them alone and other times when it's OK to interact. If i read your post right the male is the bird you have issues with. This is the norm , When they are hormonal or nesty (like now when laying eggs) the males will tend to be a lot more "protective" then at other times of the year. It's this off=season that i would try and make friends, at least your chances would be better. Right now might not be the best time and all your accomplishing during a hormonal period is setting a bad pattern of behavior. Sure set close and interact but don't push him to the point of "driving" you off. I'm sure in a month or two he'll be alot more open to your advances. Good luck and let us know if you need help.
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Take the toy out. Welcome to the forum. Birds that are bonded to each other usually don't like toys as much as single birds. Sure they still love to have things to chew but they don't play with toys like single birds do.Especially when laying eggs and having raging hormones. If you want to intro a new toy, place it in plain view near or maybe on the outside of the cage , depends on reaction. If they show interest then move it closer or in the cage.

Bonded pairs are very protective and may show resentment to you if one mate interacts with you too closely. You will find there are times when you should leave them alone and other times when it's OK to interact. If i read your post right the male is the bird you have issues with. This is the norm , When they are hormonal or nesty (like now when laying eggs) the males will tend to be a lot more "protective" then at other times of the year. It's this off=season that i would try and make friends, at least your chances would be better. Right now might not be the best time and all your accomplishing during a hormonal period is setting a bad pattern of behavior. Sure set close and interact but don't push him to the point of "driving" you off. I'm sure in a month or two he'll be alot more open to your advances. Good luck and let us know if you need help.

Thanks for your reply. I hadn't thought it through clearly on the two of them needing toys. I just thought the entertainment could be helpful and offer foraging opportunities. I am no expert by a long shot so all the advice is welcomed. They had some old ragged toys in their old cage. I just thought maybe this was something they had been use to having provided for them. Kayla seems to welcome me, as I open the cage she will usually shuffle to the closest point she can. I can offer a stick and she will step up and transfer to my arm, but Kyle just climbs to the top and hangs out. He's very observant and has started talking a lot lately with "flashing" eyes. I wouldn't say they "drive" me away, but I know when they seem uncomfortable and try to respect that by giving them a little space. I will back off for a bit and just wait out the season. Hopefully he will be as eager to see me as she is. (She already knows I come with food and loving praise...he's just not sure yet)> :)

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