Large Stainless Steel Cage - NY Craigslist


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Sep 7, 2017
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Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure (Male)

Pineapple Green Cheek Conure (Female)

Yellow Shouldered Amazon (male)
"YOU CAN PROBABLY FIT 3 MACRAWS IN THIS CAGE" YIKES No! I would debate if this is suitable for even 1 macaw.

Looks good but I would be wary, could be a scam :/ it reads as kind of off to me.
Must be extra small macaws ;)

I personally would not buy this one because it is not functional without the grate (and I really despise those)

If it is a real honest salesperson and someone with a CAG or smaller wants it ... it could be a great find.
I think it has a grate, but I might be missing something.

Yeah, I was like "three macaws?" Yikes. So, yeah, take their advice about correct species with a grain of salt. Totally agree.
Has it been used? Some diseases are really hard to eliminate...
I think it has a grate, but I might be missing something.

Oh yes- there is a grate, but if you take it out the cage is not very good (great gap all around the sides)
I keep my birds on just the tray, not using the grate because it hurts their feet. (Or so I have been taught)
Ah, okay. That makes sense.

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