Lab results have arrived, have some Q's?


New member
Apr 28, 2015
Tacoma, WA
Tess - 4YO female Blue and Gold
Chico - 13YO male Blue and Gold rescue
So the lab results got back for Chico, he has signs of ecoli and pasturella.

For the ecoli I have read that it's not u normal to see higher numbers for up to two weeks after a macaw has moved to a new home, and input on this?

For the pasteurella Tess has it, but we could never really get the numbers gone, just low to a point the vet was comfortable with it.
I have Baytril antibiotics to give Chico 2x a day for two weeks now.

Should I continue to keep the two separated (not in the same room together) or is it safe to start introducing them to eachother?

What or some ways to administer the liquid medicine that have worked for you?

What can be given to bolster their diets to help rid the bacteria?
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Keep them separate for now. Pasturella can be passed between them I believe.
I have only given liquid medication to my cockatoo, I had to wrap her in a towel and squirt it in her mouth.
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Yeah, holding him and giving it to him that way will suck but I think it's what needs to be done.

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