Kyros <3

Tab, have you got lunging gear? Try lunging him for a good five minutes each way (walk and trot) before you ride. It helps get the kinks out of their muscles and tunes their little minds (and big brains - LOL!) for work.
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We do have lunging gear, but he doesnt seem to need it? :O

He wasnt stressed or tense, he was SO calm, and as soon as i hopped on, his ears were back, listening to me, concentrating, head down! Didnt do anything silly, never put his ears back, or try any little kick up.. NOTHING! Walked calmly around, didnt spook at anything new!

There was no speed or silliness to him, its just he is so strong, and this other rider has used her hands for everything :/

So if i let go of the reins for a second in the trot, he wants to canter, cause she has made him have SUCH strong contact on the reins, which i am not used to!

Dont know how to explain it.. Like if he was excited and wanted to explode and stretch his muscles, he would of been jig jogging and looking around? But he was like an old pro haha

If i hold my arms tight and have extreme contact, he trots perfectly and wont break into the canter.. but i hate being that tight on him.. But he is SOOO strong, of course he needs alot of contact, but she just had way too much

It is just going to take some time for him to realise there are now LEGS around him that do the work, not all this full on strong hand contact pulling him back so he stays steady!

Mum showed the ladies at horseland the pictures and told her how the last lady rode him, how she did this full on sawing motion with her hands, didnt use her legs, just has him very tight, then told them how she made me jump, leaning my hands fully up his mane, even though the jump was only 40cm.. o_O

And the ladies were all like oh god no.. thats terrible..

One young lady is a sponsored rider, and she was like over a 40cm jump, you dont need to even lean forward very much, definitely not having your hands up his mane :S

So they all just said just have to slowly bring less contact on his mouth and use my legs more..

The young lady is going to come and train me in the big indoor arena in town once a week! :D So that shall be good!

In a few weeks i think we will be perfect :D
Oh so sorry about kitia hope he gets better soon. And congrats on your new guy wow is he gorgeous! !!!!!!!!!

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